Meanwhile at the curtis house

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It's been about 3 weeks since we found Neveah in the park. Yea let's just say those pills must have really scrambled her brain because she told Darry her and Dal are dating. I think all of us felt our hearts drop when she said that. Let's just say Darry didn't react...well. Luckily dal ran off before things got bad and Johnny followed after him. None of us have seen dal in these 3 weeks, I'm guessing Neveah has but who knows she won't tell us anything. Except for Johnny, steve, and sometimes soda. I don't think she trusts me or it's because Im younger but who knows.
Anyways things around here have been pretty quiet. I think everyone is scared of Darry and honestly so am I. I've been hanging out at the lot with Johnny and only coming home when I have to...and on time too because I'm not trying to have repeat of a few months ago. Anyways today was different, for the first time in these three weeks all of us were over at my house again(well except Neveah and Dallas) we were all sitting in the living room when someone just had to bring it up. It was Darry, leave it to him to ruin something. He took a deep breath "ok guys I have a question...I want the true answer and trust me I'll know" we all looked at each other and then back at Darry "who knew about Dallas and Neveah before the day she said it in the hospital?" We all looked at each other technically we all knew. I looked at Steve and Johnny...they were the first to know. Steve was about to take the blame but Johnny chimed in "D-Darry I-I did." He sounded terrified. Darry sighed...I didn't think he couldn't be mad at Johnny and Johnny wouldn't have told him even if it wasn't Neveah Darry knows Johnny only talks to me, dally, and nev. Darry looked mad and like he was about to yell at Johnny, Johnny just closed his eyes and waited to be smacked or something. Then Steve said "hey man don't hurt Johnny, I-I knew too" that's when Darry lost it. "SO YOUR TELLING ME YOU TWO HAVE KNOWN FOR...WAIT HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN". "8 m-months" Johnny said quietly. Darry looked shocked and like he was about to punch something "YOU HAVE KNOW FOR 8 MONTHS AND DIDN'T THINK EVEN ONCE THAT YOU SHOULD TEL ME?!?!?"  We all just sat there. Johnny looked like he was about to cry and I could tell I grabbed his arm and walked him outside. But I could hear Darry yelling. "YOUR FUCKING DEAD RANDLE THE MINUTE I GET BACK"  Steve looked absolutely terrified which is something you don't see in Steve a lot he's pretty tough.I heard a smack and looked through the window to see Steve holding his cheek, Darry had hit him. Darry then got up and started walking towards the door. "W-were are you going dar?" Soda said trying not to make him even more mad. "Don't worry about it soda, just know I'll be back when Dallas Winston is dead." I think Johnny heard him say that too because we looked at each other a Johnny started crying. I knew Johnny couldn't lose dal, he was his best friend. Johnny looked up to dal like he was his hero. I grabbed Johnnys hand and said "it's fine he won't hurt him" Johnny nodded and then Darry came storming out with sodas switch in his pocket he gave Johnny a death glare and said "bye pony I'll be home soon, you can't be out no later than 1:00 am alright?" I looked confused my normal curfew was between 10 and 12 it's never been 1 I wasn't in the mood to get slapped so I just said "ok dar". He then walked off and got in his car. Me and Johnny ran inside "soda call Nev and ask if she's seen or heard from dal" soda was over comforting Steve...that's odd i though they hated each other now, i don't know I'll ask later that's not the point. "Ok pony" he called Neveah. I'm not the most fond of Dallas Winston but Neveah likes him for some reason and he's been part of our gang for at least 5 years and I'm would hate to see him get killed by my big brother.

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