New years!

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*december 31st, 1966. 5:30pm*


The whole gang was sitting in the living room just talking, except two-bit and soyair who I'm pretty sure was still in Michigan. I was sitting on dally's lap talking to Johnny when the door open we all looked over to see Two-Bit and "SOYAIR!" I screamed and jumped off dally. "I MISSED YOUUUUUUUU!" I said again hugging him. "I missed you too neveah" he said hugging me back. "You know kid, sometimes I swear she loves you more than me" I heard dally said. "Heyyyy not true your my favorite" I said sitting back on dallys lap. "I used to be" Steve said under his breath "what was that Stevie?" I asked cheerfully. "Huh? Nothin Nev" Steve said a little annoyed. "Oh ok" I said turning back to talk to soyair. "So soy what's your family like?" Soda asked. "Oh I love my family, my moms awsome she works at a grocery store and my step-dad is super cool!" He said sitting next to two-bit on the couch. We all stopped and stared at him "what? What did I say?" He said. " your family?" Steve asked. "Yes...?" Soy said confused. "What are your guy's family like?" Soy asked. We all stayed silent "ok ummm dally you first" soy said. "Well my dad forgets my name, he doesn't give a shit about me, and when I tell him I was in jail he says good for you. And my mom left and god knows where she is now" dally said. "Jesus..." soy said. "Um ok how about you Steve?" Soy asked next. "Well I get kicked out at least once a week, and then my dad gives me money the next day because he thinks it fixes everything" Steve told. "I-um alright" soy said slightly shocked. "Two-Bit?"soy asked. "Well other than the problem that my dad left us my family is probably the best my moms cool" two answered. "Ok well that's the best answer I've got it can't get any worse" soy said. "How about you guys: neveah, soda, pony, and Darry" soy asked. "Oh our parents are dead" I answered for me and my brothers. "Oh....I was wrong" soy said. "Anyways changing the subject, where's Mr. Superman?" Steve asked. "I think in the kitchen" soda said.


We were all sitting and joking in the living room. "Hey remember when soda tried to shove himself in the fridge because Darry told pony that we didn't have room in the fridge for a pack of Pepsi" I asked. "Um yea he wouldn't give up" pony laughed. "Ok for the gay ones in the other worse everyone besides dally. How did you guys know you weren't straight?" Darry asked. "Well I'll go first, I kissed a sec girl In Like 4th grade and I guess I knew since then. And I knew I also like boys because I kissed...a boy in like 1st grade when we met" I said. "Wait you met Steve and Johnny when you were in 1st grade?" Dally said. "Mhm" I said back and looked at Steve who was blushing and trying not to laugh. "OH MY GAWD IT WAS STEVE!" Soda yelled. "NOOOO!" I yelled back knowing he was right. "Cmon guys I was in 2nd and she was in 1st it ment nothing!" Steve yelled."ok ok next" Darry said. "Um I'll go, I started to like johnny while we were up at the church and I knew that I had liked cherry so I guess I knew I was bi since then" pony said with a shrug. "I'll go, I kissed neveah in like 6th grade and I knew right then and there I didn't like kissing girls" johnny said. "Glad I could be of assistance?" I asked with a chuckle. "Ok Steve go" soda said. "Ummm well I liked neveah for a very long time like 2nd-7th I think but I grew feelings for soda around 9th so I knew I was bi" Steve said and Immediately regretted it "YOU LIKED ME FOR 5 YEARS AND DIDNT TELL ME!?!" I yelled. "WE WERE LITTLE I DIDNT THINK ANYTHING OF IT!" Steve yelled. "Ok calm down soda go" dally said. "Well I had a crush on soc girl for awhile and the somtime right before I dropped out I started to like two-bit but I realized I was only thinking that became I liked Steve" soda said looking down in embarrassment. Two looked stunned "dang...well I'll go. I kinda just realized I didn't care who liked me or who I dated as long as there nice" two bit said. "Ok that wholesome" Darry said. "Soy go" I said. "I don't know I never really liked girls and then had a crush on a boy" soyair said. "Thank you guys" Darry said. "How about you Darry how did you know your gay?!?" Two joked. "IM NOT GAY!" Darry yelled.


As new year came closer we were playing truth or dare. "Neveah truth or dare" two asked. "Ummmm truth" I said. "Have you ever had a crush on Steve?" Two asked. I looked over at Steve "um yea I guess" I said. "Oh my god when?" Soda said. "Well like 8-9th grade" I said with a shrug. Steve looked shocked. "Anyways Johnny truth or dare?" I asked. "D-Dare" Johnny stuttered. "Ok kiss pony" I said. I could practically here johnnys breath hitch and he turned to look at pony. "W-We don't have to if you-" pony started to say but was cut off by Johnny kissing him. He kissed back and we all started clapping. "GO JOHNNYBOYYYY" I Yelled. "I-um ok two-bit truth or dare" Johnny asked."ummmm dare" two said. "Ok um kiss Darry" Johnny said. We all froze and Darry's head shot up two looked over a soyair for approval and soy shook his head yes with a laugh. Two looked over at Darry who looked extremely concerned. "Ok" two said with a shrug. He scooted over to sit in front of Darry he gave him a quick peck on the lips and scooted back.Darry at looking at the ground. I looked at the clock "GUYS ITS 11:55!" I yelled. We all moved to stand up with our partners beside us. "It is now ll:58" the tv announced. Almost two minutes later.

"I love you" dally said.
"I know you tell me a lot" I responded
"Yea just figured I should say it again" he replied.
"Your a dork" I laughed
"Hey! Not as much as you" he said.
"This is our first new years as a couple" I said
"I know crazy right" dally said.
"Not really they come every year" I said trying to be a smart ass.
"Nah I mean after every that's happened" he said.
"Yea now kiss me" I said
"HAPPY NEW YEARRRRR!!" The tv said.
Me and dally kissed it was great. "1967 HERE WE ARE!" I yelled when we pulled apart.
We all had a big group hug. Let's hope this year is better. No one wanted to go home so two, soy, and dally slept in my room.  Steve and  Johnny slept in pony and sodas room. I fell asleep cuddled next to dally. This is gonna be a good year I can feel it.

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