Peace out world...or so I thought

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I was sitting in my room listening to Elvis trying to find my cigarettes. Im the only one in the house that Darry tried to keep from smoking but I have anyway let's just say I've done more than smoke. Anyways...I finally found them and I opened my window. Right outside of my window there is about a 8 door wide ledge so I crawled out and sat there. Me and dal used to sit out here and talk for hours. I lit a cigarette and stars. It was around 9:30 I sat my legs dangling over the edge. I thought momentarily what would happened if I were to slide off the edge, would anyone even care...probably not. Before I did anything stupid I put out my cigarette and crawled back hiding the pack under my mattress and laying down on my bed. I suddenly remembered my switch blade in my pocket. I pulled it out and flicked open the blade. I stared at it for a second thinking if I should do this. I looked down at my bare forearm. I put the blade to it and pulled back wincing at the stinging sensation. I cut two more each one hurting less than the last. I then got up and wiped away the blood grabbing Steve's black hoodie. I put the hoodie on and closed my blade I laid down and stared at the wall.

I hate Dallas Winston I do, he's broken neveah. Me and the boys were sitting down in the living room talking, and neveah was in her room I got up. "Im gonna go check on neveah" I said and everyone nodded. I don't know why I care so much probably because she's my best friend next to soda. I walked up the stairs when I got to her door I knocked. She said come in and so I did. She was sitting on her bed wearing my hoodie god did it look good on her. I sat down next to her, "how ya feeling sweetie?" I said. "Im ok..." she said sounding unsure. I grabbed her arm to pull her into a hug, but she winced and pullled her arm back. "Neveah, why did that hurt?" I said sounding more concerned than I should have. "I-i don't know..." she said looking down. And idea suddenly hit me and I hoped desperately it wasn't true. "Neveah, roll up your sleeves" I told her in a serious voice. "What!?!" She said suprised. "Neveah, you heard me" I said holding back tears. "Steve..." she said looking down. "Just do it I won't tell anyone " I said. "Promise?" She said looking at me. "I promise sweetheart" I said with love in my eyes. "F-fine" she said. She slowly rolled up her sleeves. Three long kinda deep cuts filled her forearm. She looked away ashamed. "There happy" she said kinda aggressively and rolled her sleeves down. I almost started crying I pulled her into a hug "why?" I asked now crying. "I-i don't know.." she said as she too started crying. We stayed like that until she fell asleep I layer her down and cuddled up next to her falling asleep as well.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now