Christmas is never normal at the curtis house

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*December 25th, 1966*


When I woke up it was still dark. I made my way downstairs and saw the 7 kids sitting in my living room. "Finalllyyyyyyy your upppp" two said dramatically. I looked at the clock "it's like 5:30am why are you all up....well almost all of you" I said and looked over at Darry who was asleep in the arm chair. "Yea yea anyways where's scary man" soyair said. "Which one? When you grow up with them you realize their all scary" I said. "The jail one" soy said again. "Well almost all of us have been in jail once except pony and Johnny and Darry, shhh don't tell Darry it was only for a week" I said. "But ik who ya mean, DALLAS!" I yelled. Darry sat up very fast "ok who's dying!?! Or is the oven on fire again?" Darry said. "Again!?!" Soyair said concerned. "Yea it only happens like once a month" I said. "DALLAS GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" I yelled forgetting Darry was awake. "NEVEAH LANGUAGE THERES A CHILD HERE!" Darry yelled. I looked around "are you talking about pony?" I asked. "Yes" Darry said. "Aye im not a kid!" Pony yelled. "Contrary to Steve's beliefs I'm not!" Pony said. Just then Dallas came running down the stairs and grabbed me by the waist and picked me up. "Dallas put me down!" I yelled. "Then don't wake me up princess!" He said.


After we had all opened our gifts(there was a lot of converse, jackets, and greaser crap) me, pony, two, and steve were sitting on the floor eating cookies while our boyfriend were up on the couch. "My boyfriend is the best" pony said outta the blue. "Whoa mister mines better" steve said. "Ok let's be for real soy is awsome" two said. "Ok mine might terrify children but he pretty cool" I said. "Aye love I heard that!" Dallas said. "Yours cheated on you" Steve said. "What!?!" Soy asked confused. "It. Wasn't. His. Fault. RANDLE!"  I yelled. "Are they ok?" Soy asked soda. "Yea they do this often" soda answered. "Yea neveah yours has a criminal record longer than the U.S.A!" Pony said. I stood up and walked to the kitchen "darryyyyyy there bullying me!" I said with a whine. "Tattle tale!" Pony yelled. I looked at Darry who was staring at the ceiling "will you all shut up I'm having a crisis!" Darry yelled. I walked into the living room "mine's totally better" pony said. "At least mine talks!" Two yelled back. "*deep inhale* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!" pony yelled. "AT LEAST MINE ISNT NAMED AFTER A DRINK!" pony basically screamed "OR A CITY!" pony yelled at me. "OR A SAUCE!" pony yelled at two. "Um names soyair not soy" soy whispered. "Yea I know I'm trying to prove a point" pony said. "I think we should call the mental hospital now before it's to late" dally said. "Yea..DARRY DIAL THE NUMBER ITS TIME! " i yelled. "Endless it's me going I'm not calling!" Darry yelled. "Darry you good" soy asked peaking into the kitchen. "Um idk, is being gay a trait like can it be hereditary? Like all of my siblings are gay does that mean I am" Darry asked. We were all silent then started dying of laughter "ITS A SERIOUS QUESTION ASSHOLES!"darry yelled. "DARRY LANGUAGE THERES A CHILD HERE!" I yelled. "WILL YOU GUYS QUIT CALLING ME A CHILD JESUS CHRIST!" pony yelled. "DONT USE THE LORDS NAME IN VAIN ITS CHRISTMAS!" Darry screamed. "Darry just last told JESUS to go drink holy water because he was going to hell" Johnny said. "THATS NOT THE POINT!" Darry yelled back. "I chose a weird group to hang out with" soy said. "Yes you did and I am so sorry" soda said. "AND TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION DARRY I MEAN WE ALL GOT IT FROM SOMEWHERE?!?" I said. "YOU GUYS ARE NO HELP!" darry yelled. "Yep that's it I'm calling the mental hospital" dally said and stood up.


Later we were all just sitting and watching a movie. And laughing about the day. Christmas may never be normal in the Curtis house but it's always a lot of fun.

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