Twas the night before Christmas...only it definitely wasn't silent

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*DECEMBER 24th, 1966*


Today is Christmas Eve, a very exciting Time here in the Curtis household and by that I mean it's absolutely chaotic. I was sitting in my room wrapping a gift when my door slammed open. It was soyair or as the gang calls him soy sauce or soybean, me and him actually grew really close over these last couple days. "Hey soy" I said. "Hey nev" he said back.


"Hey soyair im Darrel Curtis but you can call me darry, I'm 21 and the oldest of 4 siblings". "Nice to meet ya!" Soy said back. "Hiiiiiiii my names Steve randle, or just Steve I'm 18 and sodas uh boyfriend". "You seem cool Steve" soy replied. "Hi ya I'm Sodapop Curtis or just soda, I'm 18 and the oldest middle of 4 siblings". "You have a cool name" soy said. I pushed dally "go introduce yourself" I said. "Ugh fine!" Dally said with a sigh. "Im Dallas Winston or dally or dal I could care less, I'm 18 and neveah is my girl, and don't fuck around with me because I've got a criminal record longer than the Statute of liberty " he said and winked at me. "Oh um ok" soy said with obvious fear. "Heyyyyy I'm neveah Curtis or nev um the youngest middle of 4 siblings, i just turned 16 and don't worry about dal he's not as bad as he seems" I said. "Oh thanks!" Soy said. "H-hi I'm Jonathan Cade but people call me Johnny, Im 17 and ponyboys boyfriend and Neveahs best friend". "I like your hair johnny" soy said. "And I'm ponyboy Curtis, I'm 15 and the youngest of 4 siblings.". "Wow do all of your family have cool names?" Soy said.


"Neveah Darry is yelling for you and he doesn't sound happy" soy said. "Shit-" I said and got up. "Thanks soybean, hey if they ask I wasn't up here alright?" I asked. "Yea I got ya nev see ya" soyair said walking out. I climbed out my window and hopped down from the ledge. I ran until I made it to the lot, I sat back and relaxed. After about an hour I walked back home, I walked through the front door. "Hey y'all" I looked around Dallas wasn't there and I knew that so I could use him as an excuse. "And where were you!?" Darry asked. "I was with dally" I said and walked upstairs. "Of course you were" Darry said.

* TIME SKIP: 11:51pm*

After dinner was done I headed up to bed. I put on shorts and a baggie t-shirt and put on my leather jacket. I grabbed the pack of weeds that Johnny had given me and climbed outside. I lit a cigarette and leaned back against the window. I was about done when I was pulled inside by the collar of my jacket. "What the fu-" I looked up to see Darry. I quickly stood up, "hey dar!" I said trying to sound innocent. "What the hell were you doing!?!" He said. I looked down at my cigarette and threw it out the window "nothing!" I said. He gave me the same glare dad used to give me "fine I was smoking, but you don't get mad when soda or pony do it!" I said. "Yea I just don't want you to end up like pony! I mean come on hes 15 and smokes like a pack of cigarettes a day!" Darry exclaimed. "I won't end up like pony, notice how I only do this when I'm stressed or something so it's fine." I said. "Ok whatever just be careful!" Darry said. "I will Darry" I answered and he walked out of my room. Tomorrow is Christmas nothing can go wrong...right?

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