Sometimes...things get worse before they get better.

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After I took those pills my mind started spiraling. I didn't know what I was saying until I said. "Shhhhh don't tell Darry" TOO DARRY. I tried to stop myself I did but I couldn't it was like I wasn't in control. Darry said "don't tell Darry what kid?" And before I had time to think I said "that me and D-Dally are dating" I started hysterically laughing. Darry took a step back and everyone stared with their mouth wide. Darry looked at me like he had just seen a ghost. Then he turned around and took a step toward dal before he could get any closer Dallas ran like the devil was after him down the hall and out of the hospital. The last thing I remember before I either passed out or fell asleep was Darry saying "I SWEAR TO—-"


After I heard what Nev said for the first time in a real long time I was scared. I was stunned and couldn't speak. Darry turned around and looked like he was about to kill me. I didn't know what else to do so I got up and ran. I heard footsteps behind me but I knew they weren't Darry's they were too light to be. From how light they were I assumed it was Johnny. I stopped when I got to the lot. Johnny approached soon after. I sat back on the couch and almost started crying...WAIT CRYING OH SUCK IT UP DALLAS YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE TOUGH. Johnny must have noticed because he looked even more shocked. "Darry's gonna beat the shit outta me...". I may be the toughest in the gang and Darry may be afraid to talk to me when I'm mad as is the rest of the gang but when it came to his kid sister he would beat the shit outta the strongest man in the world. "No he won't...we'll he may try but your tough you can fight back" Johnny said in his quiet tone. "Johnny it's Darry and I may be able to take him normally but when it comes to his kid sister...remember when Tim Shepard tried to hit on her? Tim couldn't walk for a month and had 2 broken fingers and a broken nose" I sighed. Johnny didn't reply. Eventually we both fell asleep.


2 times in 3 weeks. That's how much I have seen dal. Probably because Darry's always here with me. Dal always calls my room phone to check if he is and normally he his so he just doesn't come. And the twice I have seen him he barely talked to me. It was starting to make me mad. After about 5 days of not seeing him he finally showed up. So make that 3 times in 3 weeks. I finally had enough. He was zoned out starting at the ground when I said "babe?" He didn't respond. "Dal?" He stayed silent. "Dallas?" I said more serious. I never call him by his actual name unless I'm mad. And if I'm joking I just call him "Winston" but he still didn't respond "Dallas tucker Winston!?!." I said now he should know I'm upset. He looked up at me "hm? Oh yes Neveah." I looked at him annoyed. "Wait!?! Did you call me my full name?" He said sounding suprised. "Mhm" I said and looked him in his eyes. "Uh oh. What did I do?!?!?" He said looking slightly scared. I took a deep breath and sat up a little. "Dallas? This is the third time in. 3 weeks that I have seen you. And I get u being scared of Dar but even when u are here you don't talk to me. U just zone out until Darry calls me and says he's coming to see me then you give me a melancholia bye and leave. What is wrong with you?" He looked at me like I was a ghost and then he sighed. "I don't know Neveah? Maybe it's the fact that I've heard form 3 of our gang that Darry has said if he ever catches me near you or his house I'm dead. Maybe it's the fact that you told Darry. But idk." He said. That got me mad he knew damn well I didn't mean to tell Darry I was all drugged up. "Really dal? This is my fault?" I could feel my voice rising. " no I'm not saying that I'm just saying.. i don't know babe I'm all mixed up." He said I feel like he was holding back tears which is a state I've never seen Dallas in. "Hey it's ok. We'll get through this I get out of here tomorrow and I'll talk to Darry, it'll all be ok I swear." I saw a tear stream down his face "come here" I held out my arms and he hugged me. I pulled back and looked at him "hey don't get soft on me now Winston" I said jokingly. He wiped his tears flipped me off and said "I ain't" he said just then the phone wrong. I assumed it would be Darry but it was soda

*phone call*

Neveah- hey?
Soda- hey it's soda Nev
Neveah- oh hey soda I thought it would be Darry.
Soda- yea we'll it's me. How ya holdin up sis?
Neveah- I'm fine
Soda- that's good. Hey is anyone there with you right now?
Neveah- um yea...
Soda- oh who is it?
Neveah- if u swear not to tell I'll tell you.
Soda- alr I swear
Neveah- dally is..
Soda- oh thank god ok keep him there. Darry got real mad at Steve and  Johnny because they knew and didn't tell him and the last things he said before leaving the house and after grabbing my switchblade was "I'll be back when Dallas Winston is dead" soooo yea just keep dally there and tell him not to leave unless Darry come there then if that happens tell dally to go to that church pony and Johnny stayed at and don't come back for a couple days.
Neveah- um ok...thanks soda.
Soda- ok love ya kid keep dal safe we can't get along without him.
Neveah- yea ik love ya too. Bye
Soda- bye.
*hang up*

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