Darry stop!

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After phe and Darry left I was laying staring at the ceiling. Two was sitting in the chair because he 'didn't wanna leave me alone' out of no where the bathroom door opened i shot my head up to we...DALLY?! "Are they gone?" He asked. "Um...yes." Two said. "Ok good" dal answered coming to sit at the end of the bed "h-how long have you been in there?" I asked. "Since earlier after you fell asleep so...like 8 hours" he answered. "Jesus dal!" I slurred. "Neveah...exactly how drink are you?" Dal asked. "Ummmmm I'm sober enough" I said trying to hide the drunken tone in my voice. "Jesus Christ" he answered

*the next day*

I woke up this morning and Darry told me I could go home. "Oh goodie" I said in a sarcastic tone. "Don't sass me" Darry  answered. We got home and pony came running down the stairs "NEVVY YOUR HOME!" He yelled throwing me into a tight hug. "Ow pony" I said letting him look at my arm that was in a cast and a sling. "Oops sorry" he said. After that I went up to my room.

I was in my room listening to music in my room when I heard Darry call for me. "Coming!" I yelled back. I put out my cancer stick and climbed back inside. I walked out of my room and down the stair. "Yes?" I asked. "We need to talk" he answered. 'Shit' I thought. "About what?" I asked. "Can all of you go?" He said to the gang who was staring at us by now, most of them left going into the kitchen. "I'm not moving" dally said. "Ok fine...what are you gonna do?" He asked me. "Huh?" I questioned, "well...you don't plan on keeping them do you?" He asked. "Um...I kinda was. Why?" I said a little confused. "Neveah your 16" Darry said. "And I'm 18!" Dally said. Darry shot him a nasty glare. "Shut up Dallas, your only here because you refused to move. Your not a part of this conversation" Darry said. "Yes, but she MY girlfriend and we're talking about OUR kids!" Dally said. "Oh shut up Dallas, your just gonna leave her in a few weeks anyway" Darry said. I turned around just in time because dally was about to punch Darry in the jaw. "Don't!" I yelled stopping him. "See Dallas, your only proving my point. Your short tempered and abusive just like your father, you'll probably turn into him too!" Darry yelled. That when I snapped I turned back around and punched Darry in the mouth.big mistake...he grabbed my by the collar of my shirt and started dragging me upstairs dally tried to follow "Dallas stay down here, it's better if you do" I said. Darry dragged me into sodas old bedroom "you think you can stand down there and disrespect me, I'm only trying to look out for you!" He yelled. "Look out for me?! Really? Now you wanna act like a parent? I get it you dont like dally, but sucks for you because I do! And I'm keeping these kids, so you can either suck it up get over it and be an uncle. Or you can stay mad and I'll move in with dally, because quite honestly I don't need you in my life anymore and. Neither. Will. My. Kids!" I screamed. That's when all hell broke loose, Darry pushed me backwards into the wall causing me to knee him in the stomach. He punched me right in the eye 'that's gonna leave a mark' I thought, I pushed him and and he hit his head off the dresser. He then picked up a glass flower pot and threw it at me I moved and dodged it but it ricocheted off the wall and cut the entire back of my right leg, I but my tongue to keep from screaming. When I finally stopped I could taste blood in my mouth "YOU PSYCHO!" I screamed. I punched him in the jaw again and he punched me square in the mouth, I felt blood dripping down from my nose and my lip and when I looked at his hand I realized he had a shard of glass. "WELL DARRY, YOUVE OFFICIALLY BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF A PREGNANT GIRL. HOPE YOUR HAPPY!" I yelled and walked out and into my room slamming my door shut. I Sat back against my headboard, I heard knocking on the door "go away!" I yelled. "Doll it's me...dally" I heard from the other side. "Ok? I said go away!" I yelled. "Nope" he said. "Fine then you can stay out there all night for all I care" I said not meaning it. "Ok...I will" he said. "Ok! There's pillows and blankets in the closet!" I yelled.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now