What's up with Steve?

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                                     (JOHNNY'S POV: ) 
As pony and Neveah walked inside I slowly turned back to look at Steve. He was shaking and looked terrified. The silence was getting un bearable so I finally spoke up. "U-Um Steve are you ok?" Steve looked over at me and then back at the ground and for a min I start I saw tears start to form in his eyes. "Hm? Oh um.. Y" he tried to say "yea" but be broke down. "No! I'm not ok!" I quickly grabbed his arm and took him behind the DX because I knew he hated and didn't wanna let people outside of our gang see him cry. Dally followed us closely behind. Once we got back there he sat down his back up against the wall I sat next to him and Dal sat in front of us. I threw an arm around Steve's shoulder and he settled a little. "S-steve can you tell us what happened" be sighed. "Well it started when we left the house..."



Me and soda had just walked out of the house after Dal accidentally exposed his and Neveah's relationship to almost the whole gang. Of course I already knew being one of her best friends. I was holding back laughter as sodas stormed out the door. We got in the car and we fell into a deep awkward silence. I tried to grab the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel but soda jerked it away putting it on the steering wheel as well. "Are you ok?" I asked slightly concerned.  "You knew. Didn't you?" he sounded mad as he almost spat the words through his teeth. "Huh?" asked confused. "You knew that Dallas and Neveah are...." he swallowed like it pained him to say the word "dating" his said alot quieter. At first I didn't respond I just turned and looked out the window. "ANSWER ME RANDLE OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL BEAT THE TAR OUT OF YOU". I jumped at his change in tone "YES I DID. HAPPY?" I yelled back. "AND YOU JUST DIDN'T TELL ME?!?!?" he spat. "IT WASN'T MY PLACE TO TELL YOU" I yelled on the verge of tears. Soda opened his mouth like he was gonna say something but then he didn't. It was quite for about another minute. Then I heard him whisper something "we're done..." he said and I didn't  hear him. "Huh?" I asked quietly. He looked at me his eyes were filled with both anger and sorrow. "We're done" he said loud enough for me to hear this time. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces at those words. "W-What?" I said shaking. "Steve you heard me" he said looking down. "S-Soda come on. Babe we can talk about this. I'm sorry I didn't tell you it just-" he cut me off  "Steve don't call me "babe" I ment what I said.. I expect all your stuff out of my room by tomorrow morning". Tears filled my eyes as I nodded. Thank god we made it to work just then.



"When we got here I stayed outside and haven't gone in yet" I said I was crying again by now. Johnny and Dallas looked shocked and who could blame them. Suddenly they both hugged me.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now