Bar talk w/dal

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I ran upstairs "so what's the book called?" I asked him closing his door behind me "um rumble fish" he said sitting on the bed "rumble what?" I asked genuinely confused "rumble fish!" He answered showing me the book " the godamn fish get into a rumble or some shit?!" I questioned. "I don't know Neveah cmon let's just read" he said patting the spot next to him. We read for a little before I looked at the clock and just as I did the door swung open. "Hey guys!" Two said walking in, "hey two-bit" I said standing up. "Wanna come to one of bucks parties with me?" Two asked. "Ummmmm yea sure"


so I was standing in the corner drinking a beer when some country lookin greaser came up to me "well howdy there pretty lady" he said stopping in front of me "well howdy" I said back in probably one of the worst country accents I've ever used, "so can I buy you a drink?" He asked, I chuckled "no sorry I'm actually looking for my boyfriend" I said taking another sip of beer "and who would that be?" He asked in his very very southern accent. "His names Dallas" I said, "Dallas Winston?" He asked looking at me like I had 3 heads. "Yep!" I said forcing a smile "is that him?" He said pointing at someone and when I took a closer look "yep that's him" I answered "I'm gonna go talk to him" I said walking that way. When I got over there he had his head down on the table and was repeating "i fucked up" so I tapped his shoulder and sat down next to him. " hey..." I said he looked up "hey..." he said in a very depressed tone. "You ok?" I asked I got no response and then I looked at his arm, it had bandage on it "what happens to you arm?" I asked confused. "Fight with Tim" he said laying his head back down. "Uh huh sure, and you didn't fuck up" I said sipping a beer. He just sighed grabbed what looked to be his 12th beer and headed upstairs I sighed, "go up there and talk to him" buck said walking over to me "why? So I can get a beer bottle thrown at my head?!" I asked him with a scowl "I THROW THEM AT WALLS NOT PEOPLE!" Dally yelled from the stairs "YEA RIGHT!" I yelled back. I heard his door slam after that "go up there now!" Buck said "fineeeeee" I groaned walking upstairs. When I got to the door I walked in dally was sitting on the bed staring at something "hey dal..."

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now