Things couldn't get any worse

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Me, Johnny, and two looked at each other. "Ok we're gonna go see what he wants and we'll come back and tell you" I said talking to pony and soda. "Alright"soda said looking worried. Me, Johnny, and two got up to leave when I heard someone say something. "Oh and randle?" It was pony. "Yes smart ass" I said annoyed. "You better tell us the truth and the hole truth. Ya hear me?" I was gonna say something smart but then I realized that he was just worried "ya kid I will" I said grinning at him he looked shocked but grinned back. Me, Johnny, and two walked down to the lot. When we got there we saw Dallas pacing. "Hey dal, what's up?" Johnny said. "Hey guys. Um sit down wouldya?" Not wanting to argue we sat down. "Ok now what is this all about?" I say wanting to get to the point. "Well um it's Neveah." He said looking worried. "Dal, we kinda figured that now what's wrong" johnny said shyly. "Well um I got real drunk last night..and um well, I think I may" he stuttered. All three of us were on the edge of our seats waiting to hear what he was gonna say. "Well I um woke up next to a broad, so I guess what I'm trying to say is um last night I think I may have accidentally cheated on Neveah". We all gasped. "HOW COULD YOU?!?!" I screamed. "Look man calm down it was an accident" dally said trying to defend himself. "NO DALLAS I WILL NOT CALM DOWN, YOU CHEATED ON MY BEST FRIEND. YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO GET DRUNK AT PARTIES WHEN NEVEAH'S NOT WITH YOU, DO YOU KNOW HOW PISSED DARRYS GONNA BE?!?" I shouted out of anger. Johnny looked mad too but I knew he wouldn't say anything. Even if he was mad at him dal was Johnny's hero. "KEEP YOUR TRAP SHUT RANDLE AND HE WONT FIND OUT NOTHING, IT WAS MISTAKE OK? NITHER DARRY NOR NEVEAH NEED TO KNOW. GOT IT?" Dal yelled back. "NO DALLAS IM NOT JUST GONNA NOT TELL NEVEAH THAT YOU CHEATED ON HER. I WONT TELL DARRY SHIT BECAUSE IM SCARED OF HIM TOO BUT IF SHE TELLS HIM I CANT STOP HER." I yelled. "Please Steve, i know I fucked up man. But I love Neveah I really do and I don't wanna ruin our relationship." He said in a pleading tone. "Then I guess you should have thought about that before you got all drunk at a party, I'm sorry Dallas but I'm not gonna lie to Neveah. Come on Johnny." I said. Johnny stood up and came with me. I swear I heard Dallas start crying but I doubted that I mean it's Dallas Winston he doesn't feel anything.

Well dal just told us he cheated on Nev, and as mad as I was I didn't say anything. Me and Steve were now making our way back to the Curtis house. when we got there Darry was home. "Hey is Neveah here?" Steve asked surprisingly calm. "Yea she's in her room" Darry replied. "Thanks" I said as we started towards her room. When we got there Steve knocked on the door. Inside I could hear Elvis "mystery train" playing. She has such great taste in music. Anyways she turned it down "Who is it?" She called "it's Steve and Johnny" I said. "Oh ok come in". Steve opened the door and walked in. I sat on her bed but Steve paced the room. I patted the spot next to me and Nev sat down looking worried. "This ain't gonna be easy to tell ya kid." Steve said still pacing. "What's up Stevie?" Nev said sounding super sweet. Steve was quite "johnnycakes what's wrong?" She said slightly worried. " so I just talked to dal in the lot." Steve said. Nev smiled at his name but then Steve continued "um Neveah imma put it straight, Dallas went to a party last night and he got pretty drunk." Neveah looked scared "is he hurt or something?!?" She asked worried. "No, but he um, well kid he woke up next to some broad. In other words Neveah he didn't mean to but dal cheated on you last night." Steve said turning away. Neveah looked at me and I nodded in agreement with what Steve said. She started crying "b-but h-he promised he wouldn't h-hurt me" she sobbed into my shoulder. "I know he did and he didn't mean too he was drunk" I said trying to calm her down. She suddenly stood up and walked over to the phone. She dialed a number and put it to her ear.

*phone picks up*
dallas- hello?
Neveah- hey dallas
Dallas- omg Neveah I'm so-
Neveah- in case you couldn't tell we're done. I'm coming over to get all my stuff in 15 mins I don't want you in the room when I do.
Dallas- Neveah come on
Neveah- no dallas, you promised you were different than the rest. You promised you wouldn't hurt me yet here we are. I trusted you dal.
Dallas- I know, I'm sorry.
Neveah- sorry can't fix a broken promise, your the Dallas Winston I thought you were from the day I met you. And I regret ever thinking differently
Dallas- ......
Neveah- bye dallas
Dallas- bye Neveah
*phone call ends*


I sat back down on my bed and put my face in my hands. Steve put his arms around my waist and hugged me. Everything I said was true. He was the Dallas Winston everyone said and told me that he was. Tough, cold, mean, and worst of all a heartbreaker. And I regretted not listening to them before it was too late.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now