New york

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Suddenly the front door slammed open. I quickly wiped my eyes and went in the bathroom. I heard Darry walk down the stairs "oh Hey Dallas" I heard him say. Shit the last person I want to see right now. "Yea hey, is neveah here?" Dally asked. "Yes? Why?" Darry asked suspiciously. "Um because she broke up with me a week ago and hasn't talked to me since?" Dally answered. "Ok and?" Darry asked. "Cmon man I just wanna talk to he" dally said. "Fine I'll go get her" Darry said. Damn you Darry I though. "Neveah you have a guest!" Darry shouted. I came out of the bathroom "I don't wanna talk to him" I said not even trying to whisper. "Cmon nev you can't run from your problems forever" Darry said. "I don't have problems, we broke up because his sister didn't like me, then the next day she's suddenly fine with me, and then I get with Steve and have no choice but to break his heart because I'm still in love with my ex" I whispered. "Sounds like problems, and do we need to discuss your wrists?" He asked. "No.." I muttered. "So your gonna go down there and talk to him, because he did nothing wrong. Got it?" He said. "Yea, got it" I said with a sigh. I put on some socks and walked downstairs slowly "hey" he said. "Hi" I answered sitting on the couch."so.." he said. I was doing anything to distract myself of course the thing had to be playing with my Saint Christophers necklace which is matching with dallys. "Still ware yours huh?" He asked pulling his out of his shirt. "Yea of course we got them together when we first met in like 5th grade" I said. "Yea but I figured you would take yours off" he answered. "Nope never, because no matter what we go through you will always be my best friend" I said feeling bad for friend zoning him, but anything to choke down my feelings. " friend" he muttered. "Anyways I have a question" he said. "Ok...?" I said. "Would you want to go to...New York with me?" He asked. "Oh my god yes Dallas I've always wanted to go to New York!" I yelled. "Yay, and doll do me a favor" he said. "Mhm?" I asked. "Don't call me my full first name, it's weird when you say it" he said. "Ok then don't call me neveah, it's Nev to you" I said in a joking tone. "You got it" he replied with a laugh. Then soda walked in "hey Neve-oh you two are talking again" he said. "Mhm" I answered. "What about Steve?" Soda said. "What about him? We broke up plus me and dal are just friends" I answered. "Wait you broke up with Steve!?" Soda said. "If my memory serves me correctly so did you my brother" I said. "Oh shush" soda replied. I looked back at dal and he looked heartbroken "you alright dal?" I asked. "Huh? Oh yea fine" he replied


Me and dal had just made it to New York. We were sitting in our hotel room and laughing "hey Nev?" He said. "Yea dally" I replied. "Why did you brake up with Steve?" He asked.  This very question I have been avoiding, mostly because I hate lying to dally and I definitely cannot tell him the truth. "Um I guess I just....wasn't ready for another relationship and everything I did with him just didn't feel...right? Like I felt like I was cheating even though I wasn't so yea I guess that's why" I said stumbling over my words. "Hm ok" he said and flopped back on his bed. I went over to mine and laid back a million different thoughts rushed through my head. And when I looked up dally was staring at me "what's up dal?" I asked genuinely confused. "Nev...your crying?" He said. I reached a hand under my eye and felt the tears "shit, I didn't even realize" I said dumbfounded. "A-are you ok?" He asked. "Yea I'm fine" I said lying. "Ya wanna come over here?" He asked. "Ya sure" I said and crawled over to his bed. He put an arm around my shoulder and I kinda froze, I thought and eventually I snuggled into him. Even if we aren't dating doesn't mean we can't be as close as we were when we were dating.


In the time we've been in New York I've met some of dally's old friends and gang members, we've gotten some pretty gross and some pretty good food and a few other things like we saw the Statue of Liberty and stuff like that. Anyways dally asked me if we could go home a day early because he missed phe, I said it was fine because I miss pony. Anyways when we got home phe was on the couch and when we walked in she said "hey dal hey Nev your home early" she said an was fiddling with something on her finger. It looked like a ring I looked over at soda confuse "I-I um proposed to her" he said. A wave of shock filled me and I could tell I looked as angry as I felt so I stormed upstairs. After awhile of sitting up in my room, smoking five cigarettes, crying I heard "PHOEBE!" Yelled in dally's voice and I went down the stairs. Where I was immediately told to go back up stairs. Pony, Austin, me, and Johnny all ended up playing poker in my room we also sung to music and danced it took my mind off the fact that Steve hates me, dally will never love me again, and the rest of my group are liers! Anyways we later all fell asleep on my bed it was an ok night. But I've got a bone to pick with soda.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now