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we just got a call that soda is awake! So me and my brothers rushed to the hospital. When we got in there he looked so weak and tired but he still gave us his movie star grin. "Hey Pepsi!" Darry said. "Hey dar" soda said. "Hey soda!" Pony said giving soda a hug. I just stood in the corner, mostly because of the look he kept giving me I assumed phe told him about my...criminal record. I just waved at him "Nev arnt you gonna at least say hi?" Pony asked me. "And what get yelled at more than I already do..yea no" I said. "Cmon he's your brother!" he said pushing me. "Fine!" I said finally. "Hey soda" I said under my breath. " what is it I hear about Neveah having a record with the fuzz?" Soda asked. "Um-I" I stuttered. "Cmon Nev..." pony whispered behind me. "Why are you worrying about it? It's not like I lied to you about behind engaged, it's not like my best friend stabbed me in the back, it's not like I don't care about my sister anymore!" I snapped. "Yea well maybe if you would stop being such an asshole to the people who love and care about you and start acting like you love us too, things like this wouldn't happen!" Soda yelled. "You know what, fuck you soda, fuck you!" I yelled running out of the room. I couldn't be around anyone, not anymore. I ran back home and up to my room I was so tired and I felt like I couldn't breathe by the time I sat on my bed. 'Maybe soda right, maybe I do push the people I love and that love me away' I thought. It hurt to think, hurt to move, hurt to breathe, hurt to be me. Eventually I fell asleep.

*a few days later*

I haven't seen soda since our fight. Everyone except dally had gone to see him. Anyways dal was at the house so I stayed upstairs, I was gonna go in sodas room to grab my blanket that he had stole about a week before the incident. When I opened the door phe and soda where making out on the bed. "Can we help you?" Phe asked. I just backed up and shut the door running down stairs. "Phe and soda are making out in his room!" I said walking over and sitting next to two on the couch. Dally and Darry ran upstairs I just sat there. Dally came down a minute later dragging phe. Phe flipped me off and dally smacked her in the head "bye y'all" dally said dragging phe out the door.


I was walking out of pony's room getting ready to go to the lot when Nev ran up the stairs. "Whoa nevvy what's wrong?!" I asked. "Fuck dally, fuck phe, fuck soda, and fuck this world!" She yelled walking into her room and locking the door. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. "Hey, where did Neveah go?" Darry asked. "Well she said 'fuck the world' and then went in her room and locked the door" I said. Everyone looked at me like I was stupid "what?" I asked. "Johnny, you just let a suicidal kid, who carries a switch in her back pocket at all times, go in her room after saying fuck the world." Darry said. "Ye-...oh shit" I said jumping up along with everyone else.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now