The world still goes round

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The morning after my talk with dal I woke up and walked out. It was all I knew how to do. I walked around town for awhile kinda dazed. I dunno why it's not like I drank anything. I walks into the DX and I guess I looked as sick as I felt because Steve ran up to me. "Nevy you ok?" He asked with a worried look on his face. "I'm fine...I just feel a little sick" Steve sighed "alright..." he said. "Imma walk around town I'll talk to you later" I said and walked back out. I continued wandering around town, talking with a few people I recognized. I walked down an alley and when I got to the end of it I turned around and walked back. That's when u realized the red corvette that was trailing me. "Not today..." I mumble and stop walking because I have a bit of a rep to keep up and running would have made me seem scared. I wasn't scared. 3 socs got out and surrounded me. I was in no mood to fight but I would if I had to. "Hey grease" one said. "Hiya" I said back. "Your Dallas Winston's girl ain't ya?" One asked in a voice that sent a shiver down my spine. "Yea, what of it?" I asked and did my best to look tough not sick. "We don't like him" the last one said "nice. That seems to be a popular opinion" I mumbled and apparently they took that as me being snarky and one hit me real good upside the head. That was enough for me to swing on them. Bad idea by the way...especially when all three of them have switchblades. By the end I was slumped against the wall of a building. I could tell my head was bleeding and things were fading in out of view. I wished I would just die to be honest, I've wished that a lot in my life but sadly the world still goes round. As my vision got more and more blurry I saw a tall dark figure walking towards me, now I didn't know who it was because well my vision looked like that of a blind dog. But something in me told me that it was most likely a Soc. I was already half dead and I didn't really wanna make that all the way dead. So I tried to stand up but failed the figure got close and kneeled next to me "shh it's ok" a familiar voice said. I sighed and that's when everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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