Everyone except darry knows

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when me and dal finally made it back home I walked into my house. I wanted dal to come with but I didn't know if Darry was home or not so I pulled him to the side and gave him a hug. Then walked inside, the first person I saw was pony. He was sitting on the couch reading a book. He looked up at me looked back at his book and then thought about it and did a double take. He stood up and ran over to me and gave me a hug. "I missed you Neveah" he said. "Pony I've only been gone for a day" I said hugging him back. "Yea but, still" he said with a shrug. "Hey where's Pepsi-cola?" I asked looking around. "He's at work and so I dar" he said looking around. "So who made you come back?" He asked. What do you mean?" I said confused. "Cmon nev your my sister I know you, your stubborn you didn't come back on your own" he said in a "matter a fact" tone. "Ok...someone did but I'll never tell" I said turning away. "Cmon Nev, ik sodas your favorite but we might as well be twins. Just tell me" he said in a pleading tone. "Fine" I sighed. "It was dally" I whispered. "What?" He said I knew he couldn't hear me. "It was dally" I whispered again. "Cmon nev speak up" he said jokingly annoyed. "It was dally!" I finally said. "dally!?! As in Dallas Winston?!?!" He said. "Noooo dally miller....yes Dallas Winston!" I said. "Why!?!?" He asked. "Why not!?!?" I asked back.  "Because he cheated on you!?!?" He said. "Ok long story but he actually didn't mean too I'll tell u and the rest of the gang later" I said. "O-ok" he said sounding unsure. "Now shhhh don't tell Darry" I said. "Wait...are you and Dallas like a thing again?" He asked. "Um...yea?" I said k8nda scared. "O-ok just be careful I don't want you to get hurt" he said sounding worried. "I won't" I said in a reassuring tone. "Hey I guess we're keeping each other secrets from Darry" he said with a giggle. "Yea, he I've been keeping you and Johnny for almost a year" I said. "Yea thanks by the way" he said with a smirk. "No problem kid". "Ok so I'm calling a gang meeting tonight. Meet me at the drive in tonight at 10 don't tell Darry he can't know I'm even home got it?" I asked. "Yea no problem see ya Nev". "See ya kid" I said walking out the door.

The next place I stopped was the lot. As I thought johnny was sitting there on the old couch. "Hey johnnycakes" I said. "Hey-" he looked up to see who it was. "Nevvyyyyyyyy" he yelled as he ran to me. Johnny and my brothers are the only ones that call me nevy it was what my parents used to call me so the gang either calls me Nev or Neveah. He ran up to me and gave me a hug. "Hey kid" yes Johnny is older than me but he's shorter so I call him kid. "Hey sit down I got some to tell ya" I said and he complied. "So um, you know how me and dal broke up right?" I asked "god I don't like where this is going but yea" he said worried. "So um when I ran away a I went to that church in windrix ville. Bad idea because dal knew exactly where I was. Anyways he found me and the rest is for later when I call a gang meeeting except Darry. But me and dal are back together" I said panting because I have a bad problem with talking to fast. I talk almost as fast as I run seeing as though I do two sports: track and volleyball. Anyways Johnnys jaw dropped. "B-but he um he cheated on you!?!." He said confusion in his voice. "See he explained that and he'll explain it again later. Meet me at the drive in at 10 tonight don't tell Darry though he can't know I'm home." I told him. "Ok see ya then"

When I left the lot I knew I had to go see two. I walked up to his house and knocked. His mom answered "hey Neveah, you lookin for Keith?" She asked. "Yes Ms. Mathews is he here?" I asked. "Yes ma'am he is, he's in his room" she said holding the door open. "Thanks" I said walking to two-bits door. I used to come over here all the time me and two used to be best friends and then me and Johnny got close. I walked to his door and took a deep breath before knocking. "Come in!" He yelled from inside. I opened the door. "Hey two" I said kinda light. "Neveah?" He asked before hug me. "I'm so sorry about the fight I was just frustrated and-" I cut him off. "It's ok two really" I said. "But hey I'm about to tell ya something and you can't get mad ok?" I asked sounding serious. "Ok?" He said confused. "So um me and dal are back together" I said. "I'm not suprised. Dal went running out of the house and I knew he went after you. But he cheated on you so why!?!?" He said in a tone I couldn't quite read. "Me and him will explain that all later, look meet me at the drive at 10 tonight for a gang meeting. Don't tell Darry though I don't want him to know I'm home" I said. "Ok see ya" he said. I turned and walked out waving bye to his mom on the way.

I then took the walk over to the DX to tell soda and Steve. When I got there I walked in, "hey soda" I said sounding cheery. "Hey" he said looking up. "NEVVY YOUR BACK!" He said running over to me and giving me a hug. "Ok what's with all the screaming" Steve said walking in. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. He ran over to me picked soda up and basically threw him and then he grabbed me and spun me in circles. "NEVEAHHHHH MY FAVORITE CURTIS SIBLING" he yelled I started laughing. "Hey man first you throw me and then you replace me with my little sister." Soda said in a sad tone. "Hey I'm not that much younger!" I said. "Yea yea". Anyways it's your guys break right?" I asked. "Yea? Why?" Steve said. "Come to the break room we need to talk" I said walking in. Once we were all in there I closed the door. "Ok so me and dal are dating again" soda looked like he had just seen the living dead and Steve looked so sad. "What!?!?" They both said. "Look I know how it sounds, but I need you both to meet me at the drive in tonight at 10. We're having a gang meeting, do not tell Darry I don't want him to know I'm home" that was the last thing I said before sprinting over to bucks.

When I got there I ran inside and up to Dallas room. I knocked and he came to the door "well hey there pretty lady" he joked. "Shut dal" I said walking in. "Did you tell everyone?" He asked. "Yea except for Darry" I said. "And I told them about the gang meeting". "Ok good" he said. "So in other words...everyone except darry knows" I said with a sense of accomplishment.

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