Dallys up!

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*january 24th, 1967*

I was sitting at the table kicking Steve and sodas ass at poker when the phone started ringing "I'll get i!" Phe yelled. "You guys really suck" I said beating them again. "Oh shut up" Steve said. Phe hung up the phone "who was that?" I asked. "Dally woke up!" She yelled looking like she was gonna cry. We all jumped up and ran out the door and drove to the hospital. Phe got to his room first and and threw her arms around him. "DALLY!" She yelled. "I love you!" She said. "Oh I guess you met Nev huh" he asked. "Ya we met at one of bucks parties shes real nice" phe said. I walked over and kissed him "ya she's something" dally said. "Oh phe I forgot to tell you he's my boyfriend" I told her. "Holdup, that's funny. I'm dating your brother and your dating mine!" She said I stood there in a moment of shock "YOUR A WINSTON!" I yelled. "Yea..." she said rubbing the back of her head. "I knew you looked like him" I said. "So dar when can he come home" phe asked. "Tomorrow" a nurse said. " hey since we're admitting stuff. Me and Johnny are together Darry" pony said. "I kinda figured" Darry said with a chuckle. Pony looked a little shocked "wait your not mad?" He asked. "No" Darry said. Suddenly Austin marched out "Austin where ya going!" Pony yelled. "Your with Johnny!?! How could you not notice that I like you. I love you!" Austin yelled. Pony took a step back in shock "but your 5 years younger!" Pony replied. Phe walked out and I walked out not too long after and sat next to her stricking a match off my necklace and lighting a cigarette. She started thinking out loud "God why does Austin need to start drama at the worst times. Jesus" she complained to herself. She turned her head towards me "gosh Nev you scared me" she jumped "sorry" I said and took a long drag on my cigarette. "So you dated randy right?" I asked. Phe looked confused "yea.." she asked. "So did I...I was 13 and he was 16" I said taking a long drag on my cigarette. "Damn" she replied. "Cmon kids it's late let's go home" Darry came out and said. "And neveah Leeann Curtis put that cigarette out that's like your 5 or 6th one today!" Darry yelled at me. "You don't yell at pony who smokes like 12 a day!" I yelled back. "Whatever come tell dally bye and let's go!" He said walking inside. Me and phe followed after him. I hugged dally and we left. Phe stayed the night at our house we slept on my floor curled up in blankets, we watched scary movies, ate candy and popcorn, and stayed up until like 5am laughing about random stuff.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now