I am looking for a fight!

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     (NEVEAH'S POV: )
When I walked out of the DX Steve was no where to be found but Johnny, Dal, and pony looked sad. Ill ask them later for now we need to get home. We walked in the door and went our separate ways Dallas went to go do who knows what crimes. And Johnny and pony were downstairs making out. I headed up to my room. And changed into grey sweatpants and one of Dal's old white hoodies(that wasn't rlly white anymore) it had dirt and grass stains all over it from rumbles and fights but it's alr. I layed down and slowly drifted off to sleep.

*2 hours later*

When I woke up it was dark ish. I heard people downstairs and assumed the gang was here. Although it was strange I didn't seem to here Steve... Weird. I got up and looked in the mirror. I realized I still had on Dal's hoodie. I wanted dyi wear one of his but I chose a new one that was less obvious who's it was. I think pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I then headed out of my room I'm guessing the gang heard my door open and shut because they all froze. I walked down stairs and everyone but darry(who was cooking), steve(who was there but he was sitting on the couch staring at the ground), and johnny(who was no were to be found) looked at me and stared. I looked around and didn't see dal. "Where's Dallas?" I asked in a grogy tone. Everyone rolled their eyes. "I'm in here ba-Neveah" he yelled from the kitchen I walked in to see him and Johnny playing poker. "Oooo who's winning" I say still sleepy "johnny..." dally mumbled under his breath. Johnny looked at me and smiled before saying "hey Nev. And Dallas in sorry I'm better than you." dally looked like he was about to punch Johnny but I knew he wouldn't he would hurt anyone in the gang except me and johnny. Instead he said " oh that's it kid your gonna get it." johnny got up and started running out of the house dally followed behind him and the last thing I heard before the door slammed shut was "get back here you little shit I swear I'm gonna kill you" eh johnny will be fine the most Dal will do is tackle him and then say sorry about it 5 mins later I knew how things went. With johnny and dal gone I decided to sit next to two-bit because Steve didn't look like he wanted to talk. I say next to two onvthe floor he had a beer and one hand and the other rested on his proped up knee. He looked over when I sat down and scooted closer. After about an hour we had just finished dinner. It was awkward Steve and soda sat on opposite sides of the table which is not usually normotheir Inserpertable. I sat next to johnny and Dal. After dinner I went to take a walk. I know I'm not supposed to walk alone but needed time to myself looking back I should have taken Dallas with me. I was about 2 mins away from the park when I heard the worse noise I could have heard. The growl of a mustang engine. I made it to the park and sat on the swings. But then that stupid blue mustang pulled up and 3 socs got out. I looked at them all. Bob, Randy, and I'm not quite sure who the other one was. I figured I could take them untill I realised that they definitely had alcohol in their system... They weren't drunk but they had been drinking. I reached for my switch but stopped. Bob didn't have anything on him I could tell because the only thing he every caries is a brown handled 6 inch switch blade and it's always in his side pocket. Trust me I've been jumped by Bob enough to know. Randy never carried anything either he thought weapons were useless and unfair. I don't know about the other guy but it didn't look like be had anything. So I pushed my purple handled switch back into my pocket. "Well look who we got here" Randy said. "Oh yes it's the one and only curtis sister. Where are your bothers neveah not here to protect you?" Bob snarled. "Oh shut your trap robert we all know why your here." I said I did know... Let's just say I'm bi. And about 9 months ago before me and dal started dating I may or may not have kissed cherry at a party. But we were both drunk and it meant nothing. "Oh and why that greaser?" he said almost laughing. "Because your a Little mad that I made your girlfriend gay" I don't think I actually did but then again her and Marcia got a lot closer after that night. And cherry broke up with Bob not to long after. I'm friends with cherry yes ik she's a soc but she's one of the few good ones... If makes dal mad because she told him to go to hell. And she constantly questions why I'm even dating him. But anyways, Bobs face lit up with anger. "Shut up greaser! Cherry's not a fag she's just confused" he barked. I giggled... Big mistake. Bob pulled out his switch from his back pocket... Shit I should've known. I quickly put my hand on mine. Randy and the other guy had stopped back so this was just gonna be a one on one knife fight between me and Bob.... Great. I grabbed my switch and flipped it open. "Come one Bob scare of a girl?" he lunged at me but I doged it and he fell on the ground cutting his own lip with the corner of his switch. He quickly got back up and jumped at me again I swirved and almost died it but he left a small cut on the side of my face. Whatever it when from like my temple to my jaw so maybe not small but I've had worse. "Oh fucking regret that Sheldon" I said like a psycho. "Yea? And hows that curtis I don't see your little gang around" he turned around. This time his big mistake. I took the opportunity to cut the back of his arm. "FUCK!"  he screamed I don't think it hurt I think he was just shocked. I got too cocky and let down my guard and Bob tackled me to the ground. He cut me several times in my arms and stomach the last thing he did before he and his friends when running was cut a long deep scar form my calf to my upper thigh I passed out from pain and shock.

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