Maybe it would be better

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Phoebe had just yelled at dally for something honestly I don't know I was still really drunk and then phe ran off and soda followed her. "Ummm what the hell just happened?" I asked swaying on my feet. "Dally do you know where their going?" Darry questioned. "Yea I think I have an idea, watch over Neveah I gotta go get bucks car and then go get them" dally said giving me a quick hug. "Love ya" he said running out of the door. I almost fell backwards but the clutch was back there so I sat down. "Um anyone wanna explain what just happened?" I slurred. "I will when your sober enough to understand" Darry said. "Pony take her to her room please" he ordered. Pony took me upstairs and I laid back and immediately fell asleep.


After I got bucks car I headed for windrixville by the time I got there it was almost sunset so I knew exactly where she would be. I walked up jay mountain And saw her and soda sitting at the top. I set next to phoebe and watched the sunset.


When I woke up I had a splitting headache but other than that I was sober. I walked down the stairs aiming to get some aspirin and go back to bed, when I got downstairs everyone was still down there "hey guys" I said tiredly. "Ya wanna know what happened?" Darry asked. "Yea after I take some aspirin" I said and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup of water and some aspirin I took them and walked back out into the living room. I sat on the couch next to Steve "ok what happened?" I said. "So basically phoebe hates you and thinks your stealing dally from her" Darry answered I sat there in shock. "W-Why would she think that?" I questioned. "I don't know, I guess your all he talks about and he hangs out with you a lot" Steve said. "Uhgggg FUCK!" I yelled. Darry glared at me. "What do I do?" I asked to no one in particular. "I don't know nevvy" Johnny said. "Maybe it would be better if..." it hurt me to say it but I knew it was true "maybe it would be better if I broke up with dal" I said and winced at my words. Everyone stood in shock "no Neveah you can work this out" Steve answered. I looked down at my dog tag and took it off "no this time I don't think we can, I don't want to get in the way of a sibling's relationship" I said putting the dog tag in my pocket. I walked up the stairs and laid in bed. This time things can't be fixed and it's the one time when I wish things could

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