He had to figure out sometime

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(Sorry these have all been from Neveah's pov it just makes the most sense)


It's been almost 2 months since anyone has seen mr. Dallas Winston. Not saying I'm bad about that but people have been asking me relentless amounts of questions. Mostly Darry but soda and pony too. Mostly questions like "where's dal?" Or "have you heard from dal?" I always just say "no" or "he's probably in jail again" or something like that but I thought Darry was getting suspicious and my thoughts were obviously correct. We were all in the living room. I was cuddled up in the corner of the couch with Steve wearing his hoodie you know the usual. When Darry just had to ask "hey neveah I have a question" he said. 'Oh shit' I thought. "Shoot.." I said sounding nervous. "So um, we'll actually there's a few. So first why has no one seen dal since the night you guys went for a walk?" He said looking at me. "I don't know dar I haven't seen him either."ok...and so why are you wearing Steve's hoodie instead of dal's?" He said sounding suspicious. I looked at Steve Johnny and mouthed 'what do I say!?!' Neither responded. "I lost dal's hoodies I only had two" I said with a shrug. "Neveah Leeann Curtis don't lie to me those things are your pride and joy you would be freaking out if u lost them" he said. 'Shit he knows' I thought. "Fine..." I said taking a deep breath. I'll tell him I just won't tell him why I'll say it was a mutual thing. "We...we broke up" I said looking down. I looked back up and Darry's face was full of rage. "What did he do?!?" He asked madly. "Nothing it was a mutual thing" I said lying. Much like pony I'm so good at lying it scares me sometimes. "Oh....ok" he said calming down. 'I got away for now, he'll figure it out soon though' I thought with a feeling of slight relief. I snuggled back into Steve's shoulder and he started playing with my hair. God I love this boy but only as a friend I hope.

(Sorry for the short chapter I'm having writers block and couldn't think of anything else, also I will post an update tomorrow but after that no update the 16 - 26 because I will be on vacation. I hope you guys understand. Also get this story to 150 reads and I'll do a face reveal)

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