We're not coming back

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When I woke up I forgot where I was. I looked over and saw dal, I rubbed my eyes tiredly and when I Remembered what happened last night I wished I could hide in a corner and die. I rolled out from under dallys arm and decided to go get pony and Johnny. I sat up and walked over to my drawer that I had in dallys room. "Babeeeeee come back!" Dally said. "Ya see I would butttt I need to go get pony so I can't" I said chuckling. "Ugh fine!" He groaned. He rolled out of bed and sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I grabbed my white Elvis Presley shirt with a pair of black ripped jeans. Dally threw me my leather jacket, "thanks" i said turning around to see him dressed. "You know you don't have to come with me right?" I asked. "You could get jumped by a soc" he said. "Dal it's daylight, and I'm going to the lot which is like 3 minutes away and I carry a switch for a reason I would be fine." I said with sigh. "Ok fine I just wanted an excuse to come" he said looking down. "It's fine let me get my shoes and we can go." I said looking around. I grabbed my old converse and a pair of black socks. Once I got my socks and shoes on we headed out. We walked and talked about everything when we got to the lot pony and Johnny were just kinda sitting there talking about god knows what. "Hey kids" I said. "Hey nevvy" they both said. "Ok pony I need you to go over to Steve's and get Pepsi please" I said knowing he would protest. "Why can't youuuuuuu" pony whined. "Endless you wanna see world war three break out in Tulsa today I suggest you go" I said in a slightly serious tone. "Ok fine!" He said getting up. "Tell him to come over here!" I yelled. Pony nodded


I was laying on the couch in the lot when soda got there. Dally had left to go hang out with Tim Shepard so I was just chilling. I had my eyes shut and I was thinking about what we should do about Darry. Anyways soda tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey kid" he said. "Hey Pepsi" I said sitting up. "Hey, where'd Johnny go pony?" I asked. "Oh I think he went to go hang out with Two or sm" he said with a shrug. "Oh ok, anyways guys what do we do about going home?" I asked the question that had been brewing in my mind since last night. "What do you mean?" Soda asked. "Like i know he said we could come home today but I don't know if I want to" I said with a shrug. "Yea I feel the same way" pony said. "Same here" soda said. Just then Johnny came running to the lot. "Hey guys!" He said. "Hey johnnycakes!" I said matching his cheerful tone. "Anyways Darry said he wanted to meet you three at the dingo to talk" he said. Me, soda, and pony all looked at each other the same way we had the night before. "Um yea ok" soda said breaking the silence. "We'll see ya Johnny tell Darry to meet us there in five" soda said. "Alright see ya guys, bye pony" Johnny said giving pony a hug and running. We all stood up and walked to the dingo. "Ok so when he says we can come home" I said. "We tell him until he stops acting like he's thirty years older than us" soda said. "We arnt coming home" pony finished. "Ok it's a plan" I said as we continued walking.


When we made it to the ding I put out the cigarette I had been smoking and we walked inside. Darry was sitting in the back and waved to us when we walked in. I took a deep breath and walked back there. We all three sat down "hey guys" Darry said In a odd tone. "Hello Darrel" I said. I could hear pony trying not to laugh and it took everything in me not to. "Oh ok, um sorry about last night I was just frustrated and I don't know what came over me, soda I'm glad your with Steve and same goes for pony with Johnny and I'm sorry that I made you scared to tell me. And neveah it was almost 3 years ago that you were with randy so there's no point in me yelling now" he finally finished. "Anyways you guys are good to come home!" Darry said. "No" pony said. "Huh?" Darry said obviously confused. "Until you stop acting like you are thirty years older than the rest of us, when sodas 18 so your 3 years older than him, I'm 16-". "Fifteen!" Darry cut me off. "Dar my birthday is in 10 days I might as well be 16 so your 5 years older than me, and pony well your 6 years older than pony because he's fifteen but still I understand your the adult figure in the group but when it comes to your siblings in which one is a literal adult you can not act like your some grandparent of eight and a father of six" I finished. "So until you get your act straight, we're not coming back"

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