You did it

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When I woke up the whole gang was standing around the room doing other stuff. Steve and two-bit were throwing cotton balls and popsicle sticks at each other, Darry was passed out in the chair in the corner, pony was sitting on the floor reading gone with the wind Johnny was asleep next to him, dally was pacing the room nervously, and soda was sitting at the end of the bed blowing up a glove. I looked around I was definitely in a hospital room. Dally turned and looked at me as I slowly opened my eyes. "SHES AWAKE!" I heard two screamed. Within seconds everyone was standing around me. My stomach hurt like hell and my vision was going in and out of focus. "W-what happened?" I said and my voice sounded weird even to me. "You got into a pretty nasty fight with randle over here" darry said and pointed to my left. I looked over and saw Steve staring at the ground. "Ok that doesn't explain why I'm in a hospital" I said ruder than I ment to. "You got stabbed pretty hard in the stomach kid" dally said from my right. "Randle....when I'm out of here you are literally FUCKING DEAD!" I yelled the last part. Steve backed up until his back was against the wall "why would you kill me ya did it to your self neveah!" He said leaving me dumbfounded. "Huh?" I asked the room was silent. "What is he talking about?!?" I asked again. "Well when Steve rolled you off of him because you were trying to kill him" soda said. "You fell back and stabbed your self" pony finished his sentence. I sat there in shock trying to process what I had heard. I then realized that the cuts on Steve's arms were almost healed. "Wait how long have I been out?" I asked. "About a week" Johnny finally spoke. "Hey guys can you go for a sec" I asked. They all started to walk out "wait Steve!" I yelled. "Huh?" He said back. "You stay I wanna talk" I answered him. "Look Steve I-" I tried to say sorry but he cut me off. "No neveah listen. I'm sorry I let things go this far I just didn't want you to get hurt again but after numerous talks with soda...and dally I realized that as much as I don't think it's a good idea you really seem to like Dallas and if you can trust him I guess I can. So I'm sorry for everything kid your one of my best friends and I never ment for things to end up this way" he finished his sentence. I motioned for him to give me a hug and he did. Darry knocked "can I come in?" He asked. "Yea dar" I answered and Steve sat up. "Your papers are all sighed your good to come home" he said. "YAYAYAYAY!". The whole gang walked back in except Two who I just assumed went to go get drunk somewhere....I was wrong.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now