Darry leave her alone!

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*january 21st, 1967: 1:00pm)


I carefully walked down the steps behind Johnny, when I got down there everyone assumed it was just Johnny. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, I then walked out and sat on the couch next to Steve. No one noticed me I looked down at Johnny with a confused look and we both started to laugh under our breath "what's so funny johnnycake?" Steve asked. "Um Steve ya might wanna look beside you" Johnny said still laughing. Steve turned and looked at me and the stared at me in shock "what? Your acting like you haven't known me for like 9-10 years" I said which caused everyone to look at me. "OMG SHES ALIVE!" Two yelled. "STOP YELLING!" Darry said coming out from the kitchen.  "Oh so you'll come down for Johnny but not me!?!" Soda asked with fake anger. "Yep pretty much" I said leaning back. "Lunch is ready kids!" Darry yelled in his 'mom' voice. Everyone got up an ran except me I stayed on the couch drinking my water and watching Mickey Mouse."ya gonna eat kiddo?" Steve asked. "Nah I'm alright" I said with a fake smile. "Neveah you have to eat something" Darry said. "I will later" I said lying. "Yea right" Darry said. "Darry leave her alone she's going through stuff" soda said. Before anything else could be said I went outside and lit a cigarette. I took a drag and stared at the sky the clouds looked beautiful. Me and dally didn't like sunsets because they reminded us of ourselves how the bright pretty light faded to black but we always watched the sunrise because it reminded us that we could change, I might seem innocent enough but my past especially after my parents died is rough to say the least, I could never tell Darry this but I'll admit I've been to jail a few times, as well as a few other places...the door opened and someone came out "if you are not Steve, johnny, soyair, or pony go back inside" I said not bothering to look behind me. "It's pony nev" he said as he sat down. "Oh hey bookworm" I said looking at him. "Hey hoodlum" he said back. I let out a little laugh, "ya got a cigarette?" He asked. "Ya here" I said and handed him one. "Thanks" he responded. "Ya miss dally?" Pony asked. "More than anything" I said trying not to cry. "I figured" he said. "Pony...what if he doesn't make it what if I end up in...that place again like I did when mom and dad died?" I asked. "I don't know Neveah I wish I did but I don't" he said putting an arm on my shoulder. "I'm sorry" I said starting to crying. "About what?" He asked confused. "For crying" I said. "Why would you be sorry for that?" He asked. "Because I'm supposed to be tough and be there when others are sad and now I'm breaking down in tears next to my little brother on my front porch" I said still crushing. "Oh nevvy don't be sorry it's fine" he said Hugging me. I walked inside to hear soda and Darry fighting "SHE CANT JUST NOT EAT BECAUSE ONE PERSON IS IN THE HOSPITAL!" Darry yelled. "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND DARRY, SHES BEEN STRONG FOR ALL OF US AND SHES TRIED YO HIDE WHATS SHES REALLY FEELING BECAUSE SHE THINKS NO ONE WILL CARE AND RIGHT NOW YOUR ONLY PROVING TO HER THA5 YOU JUST DONT CARE!" Soda yelled "WILL YOU GUYS SHUT UP!!!" I yelled which only made me cry more. I ran up to my room and packed some cloths in a little bag I ran out of the house and over to bucks. "Hey buck" I said as I walked in "hey Neveah!" He said. "I'm gonna use Dallas room for a little if that's ok" I asked still crying p. "Yea are you ok?" He asked. "Fine just brother troubles" I answered heading upstairs.

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