Love triangle

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On this day it was one of the rare days when everyone was together. Except for phe who I recently found out was in the hospital, but no one will tell me why. But it was one of the few days that we could all sit in the same room without me and Steve trying to slit each others throats or so I thought. I was sitting on the couch talking to dally while we played poker "look at your whore of a sister playing cards with her ex" I barely heard Steve say. Everything stopped "Steve why do you always have to do this" soda mumbled under his breath. "What did you just call me?!" I asked."a whore Neveah that's what I called you" he said standing up from leaning against the wall. I stood up as well "what makes you say that?" I said. "Well hmm, how about the fact that your broke up with me because your still in love with your cheating dirt bag ex" he said. I froze I could feel dally staring at me as he choked on the beer he was drinking "she's *choke* what?!?" He spat. "Not you a different ex" I lied looking at the ground. Darry looked like he was thinking "so your still in love with randy?" Darry asked suddenly. 'Shit I forgot he's my only other ex the gang knows of' I thought. "I- um- yes?" I said reluctantly. "Don't lie princess I know what you told me" Steve said. My face turned bright red and I couldn't look up "god this is one bad love triangle" pony said from the corner and I heard Johnny laugh "one bad what!?" Steve asked. "A love triangle? Don't you know what that is?" Pony asked. "No" Steve said and shook his head. "Damn do I have to explain everything Neveah liked or likes steve but she also likes dally but steve still likes Neveah and doesn't want her to like Dallas, obviously so it turns into one big mess and Neveah sin the middle and has to choose who she loves more...and by the looks of it she already has but she's too scared to admit it" pony said and took a deep breath after. "O-oh" steve said. "Neveah I-" dally was about to say when the door opened and phe walked in. "Aah nope get your butt over here missy!" Dally said. "H-hey" phe said. "Don't you still have two weeks?" Dally asked. "Oh come I bet you've done it too!" Phe whined "*cough* rumble *cough*" I heard pony say. "Shut your trap pony that was different!" Dally snapped."come one phe let's go, I'm bringing you back" dally sighed getting up. "No, I'm not going back" phe replied. 'Oh this isn't gonna be good' I thought boy was I right. "Oh yes you are missy" dally answered. Phe then sat on the couch, "oh so we're playing that game? Alright I'll play" dally said picking her up "DAL PUT ME DOWN!" She yelled. She managed out of his grip "dal you can't force me!" Phe snapped. "Ya I can and I will" dally said. The phe did something that shocked all of us, I watched as a drop of blood from Dally's nose fell to the ground.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now