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I was sitting in my room with Steve. Who ever thought it would be a good idea to make him Watch me was severely stupid, trust me after about an hour of awkward silence those needles were looking promising. Suddenly phe and soda and pony walked in, thank god! "Hey Nev" phe said. "Hey phe-IS THAT A HICKEY!?" I asked. She took a deep breath "yeah" she said. "IS THAT FROM SODA!?" I asked. "Yea it's his quote "work of art" phe said. "HEY IT IS!" Soda yelled. We started laughing "where's dal?" Phe asked. "He never showed" Steve said. 'Wait was he going too?' I thought. "Oh that little bit-" phe said before getting cut off by Steve saying "LANGUAGE THERE IS A CHILD!". "Are you talking about me?" Pony asked. "YES!" Steve yelled. Phe marched out leaving me with soda, pony, and Steve. "Wait...she's not getting dally is she?!" I asked. "Yea..I think so kid" soda said. "Oh shi-" I went to say. "GOOD LORD LANGUAGE PEOPLE!" Steve yelled. "HES 15 NOT FIVE!" Soda yelled. A couple minutes later phe walked in dragging dal behind her. I dreaded this moment from the beginning, I just really hoped it wouldn't actually happen "hey Nev" he said awkwardly. "Hey dal" I said with a slight eye roll. "How you doin..." he asked. "HOW DO YOU THINK DAL!?" I asked the anger present in my voice. "WELL WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY?" Dally yelled back. "Oh how about 'sorry for ignoring you nev' or 'sorry for leaving without an explanation' but I don't know" I snapped. Dally turned to walk out but phe grabbed his arm "DALLAS TUCKER WINSTON GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" Phe yelled. "I'm sorry Nev" dal said under his breath."huh? What was that?" I asked in a smart ass tone. "I'm sorry for leaving without an explanation!" He said a little louder. "Ok I accept your apology" I said crossing my arms in a smart ass tone. "Ok that's it I'm out" dally said leaving. "DALLY!" she yelled walking after him. "Well that went about as well as i expected it to" soda said. Phe walked back in "He left with my car" phe said with a sigh. "Shit" soda said. "LANGUAGE SODA THERE IS A CHILD!" Steve yelled. "STOP CALLING ME A GOD DAMN CHILD!" Pony yelled. "Great look what you did now it's cursing too" Steve said. We all started dying of laughter 'god I'm gonna miss these days when I'm in a mental hospital for 1-2 months' I thought.


I was aloud to come home to pack my stuff for the hospital.I was up in my room with Darry, soda, pony, Johnny, and two. Steve and phe where downstairs and I couldn't care less where dal was. I was ready over the "packing list" and there are so many god damn restrictions "god this is worse then going to jail!" I said. I earned a death glare from Darry. "My fucking bras can't even have wires in them!" I yelled. "W-wait bras have wires!?" Johnny asked. "Yes sweetie, yes they do" I said patting his head. "I mean from personal experience I know why I can't have deodorant but!" I yelled. "Wait why?" Darry asked. "Because some girl ate her deodorant and we had to call poison control" I said. "Oh..." pony answered. Two walked over to my desk and picked up the little box on the shelf "hey nevvy what's this?" He asked. "Open it" I answered. Inside was dal's skull ring and my dog tag. "Oh...why did you keep it?" He asked. "In case we got back together, but that obviously not happening" I said. "Hey will you run this down to phe and tell her to give it to dal?" I asked. "Yea...sure kid" two said walking out of my room. "God I hate this!" I said floppy on my bed. "Well if you hadn't tried to commit slip n' slide we wouldn't be here" two said walking back into my room. "Commit what?" Darry asked. "Slip n' slide" two said. Darry gave me a confused look "he doesn't like the word 'suicide' so he says 'slip n' slide'" I said with a sigh. "Ohhhh" Darry said. I went over to my desk and lit a cigarette "Neveah put it out!" Darry yelled. "Oh come on dar, I haven't smoked in two weeks. And I'm not gonna be able to for another 1-2 months so please!" I said. "Uhg fine" Darry gave in. "Hey where did my switch blade and my butterfly knife go?" I asked. "Darry hid them" soda answered. "Uhgggggg of course he did" I said with a sigh. "Nev, schools gonna be shit without you" pony said. "Pony...I barely go anyways" I said under my breath. I took a drag on my cigarette when I heard a knock on my door.

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