Please promise me?

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                                                                         (Ponyboy's POV: )
Neveah, Dallas, me, and Johnny walk out of the house. I think Nevvy is walking faster than I've ever seen her walk before... Then again I think she's scared, that's weird to think Nev is one of the strongest people I know and definitely the strongest girl i know... So why is she scared-then I slowly realized as much as darry loved him(as a friend) he thought Dallas was a bad influence. And by now I could tell that they were dating. Dal is my buddy but I don't know how to feel about him dating my sister even if she is older than me. Anyways the silence was unbearable so I decided to speak up knowing Johnny wouldn't and dal was staring at the ground. I sighed... "Um guys so why exactly are we going to the DX" I say in a shy voice. Nev sighs gives me a sad yet mad stare "damnit pony do u ever think?" she barks. I wince and feel Johnny's hand go under my jacket and around my waist I calm down. "No..." I say quietly. Neveah breaths out hard "I'm sorry pony my mind is just some where else right now... We're going to the DX because I really need to talk to soda.". The rest of the walk was quite. We made it to the DX and immediately see Steve outside. "Hey Steve" dally yells. Steve turns his head looking almost startled that's not something I've ever seen Steve Randle look like. "Oh, hey Dallas". I kick a rock.

(neveah's POV: )

Steve is acting strange but I try to ignore it. "Hey Stevie where's soda?" I say trying to get to the point. "Inside..." he says quietly. I'll ask him about it later right now I need soda. "Dal, Johnny stay out here pony your coming with me". I swear I here pony gulp as he looks at Johnny then back at me. I grab his wrist and pull him In Side of the DX. I don't see soda at first and I'm basically dragging pony like a toddler. Then I spot him he looks mad. I wonder if that's why Steve looks so spooked. I walk over to him. "Soda?" I almost whisper. He turns around and looks at me. "Can I help you?" he says and he's sounds mad too. "Soda, can we talk?  all three of us actually".  Soda sighs, he glances at the clock and then switches his gaze back to me. "Fine" he says. Soda, me, and pony walk into the break room and sit on the couch. There's an awkward silence and I finally break it. "Ok look you two, i know your probably mad at me and I understand. I don't know if it's for not telling you or if it's because it's...Dallas but either way. I'm sorry I hid it from you. But I knew damn well that this is how you were gonna react soda" by now my vision was blurred and I could feel tears streaming down my face. Come on Neveah your supposed to be strong I told myself as I wiped the tears. I took a deep breath and started again "A-and pony I knew you were gonna death stare him but you gotta remember I'm older than you and no offense but unless it's a rumble you really can't hurt anyone. But please guys I need you to realise that Dal makes me happier than anyone else. He treats me right and is always there for me. So please I want you guys to approve of our relationship even though ur answer isn't gonna change much, it would just be nice to know that I got my two favorite brother behind me." pony and soda look at each other and then back at me." yea... I guess it's fine" soda says." Yea if your happy then it's fine." pony said with a grin." oh and one last thing" I say." "mhm" soda hums. "Yea Nev" pony says. "Can both of you promise to keep your traps shut and not tell Dar?". Soda looks around for a minute "y-yea" he's says reluctantly. Pony just nods. "No say it,say I promise". Pony and soda look at each other again. They both take a deep breath "we promise" they say simultaneously.

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