Please be ok...

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When I woke up I forgot where I was. Then I remembered, I tried and almost did convince myself that those last couple months had been a dream. Yes I know it's basically impossible but both me and pony have very over reactive imagination, Darry and soda both call me and pony twins because we act so alike and we like a lot of the same stuff. But I also act a lot like soda I'd like to think I'm a mix of them. Anyways like I said I had almost convinced myself it had all been a dream, I'm really laying at home and any minute soda and pony are gonna come in and jump on my bed to wake me but until Darry yells at them to cut it out, it's Saturday and maybe we'll all go to the movies or hangout at the lot and maybe dal didn't cheat on my and everything is fine. I tried to remember what day it was then I did...November 19th today would have been be and Dals 10 months. I was immediately broke out of my thoughts by the sound of footsteps and that whistle, the whistle used by ours and shepherds outfit. I thought it was probably Steve or johnny maybe even pony or soda but it wasn't. It was the person I least expected it to be. It was...


Nevah's brothers had found me at the lot and forced me to come over and talk to neveah. I knew damn well that wasn't gonna happen but I definitely didn't expect what did happen. When we got there I think we all heard the yelling. We open the door and I heard Two-Bit scream "HE CHEATED ON YOU NEVEAH YOU SHOULDN'T CARE!" I froze in place we all did. 'Shit, shit, shit, shit' was all I could think.I stopped and tried to read the room two had a smug look on his face until I gave him what the gang likes to call "the Winston soul glare" and then he stopped. Neveah was giving me a sorry look and then Darry screamed "HE DID WHAT!?!?" I took about 5 steps away from him. He was giving me the stare and I knew I was in trouble. Neveah stuttered a few words before running out of the house. I looked around everyone looked like they were gonna kill me even pony and that kid is scared to talk to me. Before Darry could get sodas switch again I ran out off the house and to the lot Johnny was there. I knew he was mad at me but where ever Neveah went she went past the lot first. Johnny was sitting on the chair. "Ok look kid hate me all you want but right now I'm running away from death, so which way did nev- I mean Neveah go?" I said rushed. "As if I would tell you" Johnny said looking away. "Cmon kid i know I made mistake but I'm trying to make it right so which way?" I said in a pleading tone. He pointed towards the train tracks so I went that way. The train had already left so I had to wait for the next morning. I layer down in the grass and drifted to sleep. I woke up to the sound of the train and half awake I stumbled into a train cart. I sat in the back corner and threw my jacket over my head. I have no idea how they didn't see me but they didn't. Anyways I had a small idea at where she might be. So I hopped off at windrix ville. I immediately walked to jay mountain, the walk is really only about 30-45 minutes but it felt like hours. I finally made it and started whistling so she knew it was one of the gang and wouldn't get scared. Her knowing it was one of the gang narrowed it down to the only three people who knew where this place is me, pony, and Johnny. I knew I was the last person she would expect it to be.


I stood up and put back on the hoodie the dog tag was still in my pocket and I put it back on my neck. Who cares this dog tag means alot.I walked and sat in the middle of the room. But when I saw none other than Dallas Winston walk in the room I stood up and did a double take. He looked fine others than the tired look in his eyes. I stepped back not knowing what to say. I love him I do but he also cheated on what am I supposed to do? I'm just glad he's ok that's the only thing I thought this morning was 'please be ok Dallas, please be ok'

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