Darry knows...everything

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I was broke out of my thoughts when my door slammed open I looked over to see none other than my soc ex boyfriend Randy Anderson. We started dating when I was 13 and he was 16 yes I know that's a big age gap but it was whatever. We never told anyone except well Johnny knew but he didn't tell anyone we dated for like a year and then we decided that we weren't right for each other and that it was a little weird for a kid greaser to be dating a soc way older than her. But the only time I've seen him since was at school. "Um hi?" I said more than a little confused. "Hey neveah" he said with a grin. "Um no offense ran but um why are you here?" I said still dumb struck. "Oh so I was walking home and I heard that weird car lover friend of yours talking about how you beat him up with your brother" he said. "Yea and?" I said with a confused chuckle. "Oh um nothing I just didn't know you could still beat the shit outta people." He said. "Ya start dating Dallas Winston and hanging out with your brothers greaser gang those habits and skills start to stick" I said with a giggle. "So your dating Dallas again?" He asked. "Yea it's a real long story but how did you know we dated in the first place?" I asked. "Well I know you dont go to school often and Dallas doesn't at all but you two are very known so the drama kinda comes into the soc world I guess" he said with a shrug. "Well it was good seeing you ran" I said to him and I ment it we never talk anymore. "Also how's bob after yk?" I asked with very little sympathy I didn't actually care, he could be dead and I wouldn't give a hang but I wanted to be friends with randy again so I asked. "Oh you know he's fine still cocky, said he won that fight because he had the last cut. God he's stupid but you know he's my best friend so" he said looking at me. "Yea I guess, anyways bye ran nice talkin to ya" I said waving. "Bye nev see ya round" he said and he shut my door. I didn't mind the socks at least some of them but me and bob had a never ending rivalry.

Later the whole gang was together except Steve who still refuses to talk to me, soda says he'll come around but I couldn't care less. We all sat down for dinner and got to talking. Soda seemed off "you ok Pepsi?" I asked. "Huh? Oh yea I'm fine" he said looking back down. The last time he was like this was when Steve was sick for 2 weeks and couldn't see any of us. "I bet he misses Steve" two-bit said. "Shut your trap two before I shut it for you" soda yelled. "Ok so you do miss Steve" I said. "Where is he anyway?" I asked. "At his house he refuses to come over here till you apologize" soda said to me. "Well you can tell your little ex boyfriend that I'm not saying shit because he started it!" I yelled. The whole room went silent, two things were wrong with what I said, I just outed soda and I cussed  in front of Darry. The only noise now was "here we go" from pony. And "NEVEAH!" From soda and Darry choking on his chicken. I covered my mouth and squeezed Dallas hand. Once Darry finally stopped choking he said "ok so there are two things to assess here" he said surprisingly calm. "First off don't ever let me here you say words like that again little girl" he said turning to me. "And soda is what she said about Steve true?" Darry said turning to soda. "Um-I-I....yes" he said looking down. "Ok I'm not mad about it being Steve honestly I could care less, but how long ago did you brake up?" He asked. "Um like 4 or 5 months ago" soda said confused. "And how long did u date?" Darry asked. "Um like a year" he said. "AND HOU DIDNT TELL ME?!?" darry screamed. "I didn't want you to be mad because it was a boy" soda said in defense. "Oh...no I could care less" darry said with a shrug. I looked over at pony and Johnny and shrugged. "Um in that case" pony said. "Me and um Johnny are together" pony said mainly talking to darry. "Really?" Everyone but darry and me said. "Yea I already knew" I said. "I could have guessed that one" what was darry said. "Um since we're admitting things....me and Steve are actually back together" soda said. "Yessssssss!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me. "Sorry I missed there relationship and they kinda broke up because of me and dal so." I said with a shrug. "Um well I guess I have something to tell to" I said. Everyone turned to look at me. "Um don't call me a traitor but when I was like 13 I may have dated a soc" I said out to everyone. "WHAT!?!REALLY!?!WHO!?!" they all said with a mesmerized look. "Um randy Anderson" I said. Ponyboy spit out his water and everyone started dying of laughter. "Ape face!?!?" Two-bit said. "Oh my god you dated mr. Super soc!?!" Dally said. "Yea I knew that" Johnny laughed. "How did I not know this!?!" Darry said. And soda was laughing to hard to say anything. And pony was chuckling to himself.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now