Pheobe knows the gang!?!

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*january 23rd, 1967: 8:30pm*


The next night I was at another one of bucks parties I new I shouldn't but I saw phoebe again. "HEY NEV!" She yelled. "Hey phe, come over here" I yelled back. She walked over and we both got super drunk. We both stumbled back to my house laugh about anything and everything we eventually fell my front yard. I woke up in my bed and my head was pounding stupid hang over I stumbled down stairs to see Phoebe on the couch "hey phe. These are my brothers and the gang. This is sodap-" was all I said before she cut me off "ya I know, that's Darry, that's cake eater aka Steve, that's two-bit who I'm very surprised was not at the parties, there's pony, and that's my perfect boyfriend Pepsi-cola" she said. I was shocked to say the least H...How do you know them? And how are you sodas girlfriend. He's dating Steve" I asked. "I...I met them one day" she said glaring at soda. "Me and Steve broke up you know that nev. we arnt together but we pretend to be so you wouldn't hate Steve" soda answers. I was shocked and I bet I looked it too. Suddenly a little kid walked in. "HEY BABY RANDLE!!!" Phe yelled. "Who?" I asked confused. "Steve's baby brother" phe told me. I looked at Steve with pure anger. "Steve your my best friend and you kept your little brother a secret from me how could you!?!" I asked and ran out. I felt extremely sick so I ran back in and threw up then ran out again. I could hear running behind me  "NEV WAIT IM SORRY!!!" steve yelled. They finally caught up with me pony being the first. "Nev I'm sorry" Steve said clearly out of breath. "I am too I've just had mixed emotions and everything that's happened with Dallas" I said. "Me too" phe said. "Hes my friend and I hate the idea of losing him" she said. I could tell she was hiding something but the again she doesn't know I'm dating dad so. Some girl walked up to us I think I've seen her at school like once because I don't go very often. "Phe you need to talk to randy like now!" The girl said. Wait phe new randy!?!.  "Why do I need to talk to that lying jerk he kidnapped pony. No I won't take his sorry or pleading to get back together!" Phe yelled. So she dated randy too!?!. "No! He killed somebody. He wants to see you." The girl begged. "NO! tell him I'm not coming " phe yelled. The girl walked away and we all walked home. The whole gang played cards and the gang should have known better I kick ass at cards. I won almost all of the gangs and basically made everyone go bankrupt. Later phe brought me over to her house and she introduced me to her dogs, Milo and Tucker. When I heard tuckers name I immediately thought of dal that's his middle name. She asked me to spend the night and we stayed up watching scary movies which I love! We ate popcorn and drank soda. After the movie we played cards again and had a great time. The next morning phe made breakfast. We talked about random stuff from our pasts of course I left out a few parts. She said something about Darry being in a coma which shocked me but it made sense. I figured my brothers missed me so we walked back over to my house we all played more cards. The the phone rang....

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