Darry knows

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It was about 12am the same night I beat the actual shit out of Steve. I really didn't mean to I lost control, god Im Turning into dal. Anyways soda came running to me in the lot where I was sitting with Johnny. "Steve h-h-he" soda strutted out of breath. "Whoa Pepsi calm down, breathe" I said standing up and going to his side. "Sit down" I said and Johnny scooted over. "Ok now slowly, what's wrong" I said patting his back. Soda took a deep breath, "ok so after Steve ran off he ran back to our house. And he told Darry about you and Dallas" he said slowly. I thought about it for a minute "he's stupid" I said with a shrug. Soda turned and looked at me "huh?"  He asked. "Well did he tell Darry I was home?" I asked. "No?" Soda asked confused. "Then Darry doesn't know I'm back, and you all have told him you haven't seen me in 2 days so why would he believe steve?" I asked. "Oh my god your a genius nevvy" soda said patting my shoulder. "She sure is, ya got one smart sister soda" Johnny said. "Thanks johnnycakes" soda said proudly.


I was walking around with pony and two-bit when pony outta the blue asked "why did you get back with dally?". I was a little suprised, "I dunno I love him?" I said back not knowing what else to say. "Yea but like, how did you trust him again?" He asked. "I don't fully trust him but that's changing, why?" I asked getting slightly annoyed. "I just think your a little too trusting, and that maybe relationships just arnt your thing"he said with a shrug "your one to talk about my relationship at least the gang knows about mine!" I said my voice rising. "Ooooo pony's in a relationship!?! Who's the lady?" Two-bit smirked. "Yea right "lady" funny" pony said. We all froze pony put his hand over his mouth. "Wait why is that funny?" Two asked. "No reason two just drop it" pony said trying to get out of the conversation. "No ponyboy Micheal Curtis , why was that funny?!?" Two asked again. "Um I um, I don't know?" Pony said. "Wait!?!? Your gay arnt you?!?" Two said. "Pleaseeee say you are I love gays there so much more fun!" Two yelled. "Oh um well bi but yes?" Pony said. "Ok so if it's not a lady who's the luckY man?" Two asked. "I can't tell you that without asking him if it's ok first" pony said. "Uhg fine, and hey kid don't worry I won't tell anyone else I swear" two said. "Thanks two, your a good friend" pony said. "Hey can we go back to our house pony" I asked. "But Darry's home?" He said in response. "Yea, I know just act like you guys found me or something." I said back. "Alright sis whatever you say? He said


pony walked in first and then two-bit. I took a deep breath and walked in. Darry just said "hey two, hey pony" while still looking at the news paper. "Wow I feel loved" I said with a chuckle. "Wait? NEVEAH!?!" Darry said running over to me and giving me a hug. "Hey Superman" I said hugging him back. "So I gotta question for you little miss. Did you happen to be here last night?" He asked. "Um yea that's when I got back into town I just didn't wanna come home yet" I said with a shrug. "And did you happen to "run into" steve?" He asked. "Um no?" I said. "I was at the lot with Johnny all night" I said trying my hardest to look confused. "So you and dal arnt back together?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. "I- um. Fine yes we are but it's a long story. The short version is dal was drugged that night and had no idea what he was doing, so Im giving him two weeks to earn back my trust" I said. Darry took a deep breath "if you believe him...I guess I do too" darry said with a deep sigh I could tell he wasn't happy. "Really!?!" I asked. "Yes Nev" he said hugging me. "Oh and by the way I did run into Steve last night" I said. "Ya did a little more than run into him kid" two bit laughed. "Shut it two bit" pony said under his breath. "What do they mean!?" Darry asked his voice going serious. "Um" I said with fear. "Neveah Leeann Curtis, what do they mean?" He asked. "I may or may not have beat the shi-crap outta steve last night" I said looking away. "And why exactly did you do that?" Darry asked crossing his arms. "He broke a promise" I said. "So did Dallas but you didn't beat the crap outta him" darry said. "Ha your funny, do you think I have a death wish or something?" I said only half kidding. "Ok you got a point there" he said with a chuckle. With that I walked up to my room and sat on my bed. I had forgotten how soft a bed was. I was broke out of my thoughts when my door slammed open I looked over to see...

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