I've got a plan

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                                                                                                            (DAL'S POV: )

I had just got up and of course I was at Bucks. It was hot but I still grabbed my t shirt and jeans and slipped them on. I contemplated for a second before grabbing my jacket and getting up I put on my socks and boots and walked out of bucks. I didn't know where I was walking at first. I took a cigarette out and lit it taking a long drag. I then decided to walk over to Nev's house I figured she missed me. After awhile of walking in the hot summer sun I arrived at her house. I opened the gate and walked up the front steps. I crack the door open and it was normal. Two being an idiot, soda and Steve getting ready for work, darry wasn't there I assumed he had to leave early. Johnny wasn't there yet I guessed he had got caught up with his dad. Oh shit that bitch better not touch him. Anyways but there sitting on the couch was Her. She looked like an angle. Even tho her hair was frizzy and she still had a tired, groggy look in her eyes she was hot. Sitting there in nothing but shorts and a bra. I sat next to her subconsciously putting my hand on her thigh. She gasped a little and looked down. I put a finger under her chin and turned her towards me she looked almost confused. For just a min I forgot the guys were there. Even worse two of her 3 brothers but I didn't think. I lifted her head up and put my lips to her. She kissed back but hesitated I pulled back and everyone was staring. Soda left and Nev ran to her room. Shit I'm stupid. Shit. Shit. Shit. I got up and started the walk upthe stairs but I stopped I looked at johnny. I motioned for him to come with me, I couldnt do this alone.

                                                                                                      (NEVEAH'S POV: )  

I ran into my room I was crying by now. I didn't know what would happen me. I knew I needed to talk to everyone but especially soda and pony I needed to make them promise that they wouldt tell Darry. I layed there I had put on one of Dal's hoodies that he gave me the first week we started dating. I lay crying tears staining my face and grey bed sheets. I then heard a knock at the door I sighed got up and put my ear to the door "Neveah its me johnny, well and dal but can we come in" I thought, they were the only people I wanted to see right now. "Sure" I said quietly, fearing if I said it any louder I would start bawling more than I was. I unlocked the door and sat back down on my bed. Dal's hoodie was basically a blanket it was about 2 sizes to big. Johnny and dal walked in Johnny sat against my head board and dal sat next to me snaking his arm around my waist. It was quiet for a few minutes then dal spoke "I-I-I'm sorry doll I should have been carefull" and for the first time in all the years I've known dal he looked like he was about to cry. I just moved over and sat on his lap hugging him crying into his shoulder. He played with my hair and just said "shhhhh everything will be ok, we'll be fine" I looked up at him and then kissed him quickly before getting off is lap and looking at Johnny. I went over and held my arms out he hugged me. "Ok" I said "we're grabbing pony and going we're to the DX
I'm gonna make them swear not to tell darry or I'll tell him about their little boy-..." paused Johnny looked scared. I realised he hadn't told Dal yet. "Um nevermind" I got up to change. Pushing Johnny out. I tried to make dal leave but he refused. So I grabbed my black t shirt and a pair of high waisted jean shorts. I put on my clothes. I then grabbed my white socks and dirty old black converse. I put my socks and shoes on and ran down stairs. Dal followed shortly behind me. When I got down stairs Johnny and pony we're "cuddling" on the couch their heads shot up and they pushed away from each other. I giggled then got serious. "Ponyboy come one" I said. Pony looked confused. He then got a death glare on his face and I knew he was staring at dal. "Oh pony cut it out, he treats me good. But that's not the point we're going to the DX to talk to soda". He sighed. "Fine" he said hesitantly. He then put on his white low top converse and the 4 of us ran out the door.

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