Shhhh don't tell darry.

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Neveah left the house... Without telling me... Alone... Again. She's really gotta stop doing this she's gonna get herself killed. I don't know why but things seemed tense at dinner. Soda, pony, and neveah barley looked at each other let alone talked. Which was strange because normally their talking about something weird or arguing over something stupid. Also pony kept on glaring at Dallas i don't know why though the only time he ever glares at someone like that is if their a soc or their bothering neveah... Wait did Dallas do something to Nev?!?! Or is there something going on between them?!?! There better not be.. Dal is a great pal don't get me wrong but I definitely dont want him dating my kid sister. Also Steve and soda were sitting on opposite sides of the table and were refusing to talk or even look at each other... I'll ask soda or Steve about it later. Well after dinner Johnny and pony did the dishes and neveah disappeared ... The rest of us sat down to watch Micky.


we were all sitting on the couch watching Micky... It was two's turn to pick. I was focused on the TV when I heard a unpleasant yet familiar sound... It was bobs mustang. Heading towards the park. The park is normally where Neveah goes on her walks. I settled down and tried to relax. That was until about 15 mins later when I heard "cmon curtis you can do better than that... Your lousey with a switch sweetheart." It was said pretty loud and the park wasn't far from the Curtis house. I looked at the gang and they all looked at me. "Am I the only one who heard that?!?!" We all quickly jumped to our feet and ran out the door. I don't think I've ever seen Johnny run so fast, when we go there Neveah was passed out on the ground me and Darry dropped down beside her. I looked over her she had at least 20-30 knife wounds but out of all of those the worst was on her leg. Her once Grey sweatpants wet slit from calf to thigh and were slowly turning red. I picked her up by the shoulders placing her head on my lap. I gave her a light shake "Nev" "nevy" I said slowly. Darry looked at me strange I guess because of how light and calm I was talking. That changed very soon when the rest of the gang got there. "Two call 911, wouldya man" he did just that.


When I woke up i was in the hospital, things were still a little fuzzy and my leg hurt like hell. Dal was asleep in one of the chairs Darry was pacing the room Steve was standing against the wall and Johnny..well I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not because he had his head down. Darry walked over to bed and I thought 'oh boy here we go. Here comes the lecture about how I shouldn't have been walking by myself. And how I shouldn't have had a switchblade on me' and I was right. Darry took a deep breath and tried for the two sleeping boys sake to not yell "Neveah what the hell was going through your mind!?!?" He said in a surprisingly calm yet mad tone. "Too much that's why I went on that walk. And before you say anything about my switch things would have been a lot worse if I hadn't of had it on me." He sighed and the nurse came in. She handed me 5 pills and told me they were for my leg and the back of my neck apparently I had gotten a pretty big cut back there too but o couldn't feel it. I took the pills with a swig of water and laid  back.


I was so mad but Nev was in pain so I'll yell at her later. About 10 mins after taking those pills she started hysterically laughing. I just kinda assumed the pills made her a little loopy. But I don't think they were supposed to make her delusional bec she pulled me closer to her and said "shhhhhhhhh don't tell Darry" she giggled. I started say "neveah I am-" and then I froze I kinda wanted to know so I said "don't tell  Darry what kid?" She giggled some more. By now everyone was awake and staring at Neveah waiting to hear what she was gonna say although looking at it now I think they already did know that's why they were staring . She then said in a loud whisper "that me and d-dally are dating" she said busting out laughing. I froze...wait....did she mean that. There's no way. But I thought about it, the way pones was looking at Dallas, the hoodies that were in her laundry and that she kept wearing. It all made sense but I was furious. I turned around Johnny looked stunned, Steve looked at Neveah like she was stupid, pony looked over at Neveah in shock, and last Dallas fucking Winston. I turned my gaze to him he looked shocked but when he saw me looking at him he went all "Mr tuff guy" and started looking down. I took a couple deep breaths and started walking towards dally. Before I got to him he turned and made a dead run out the door and down the hall.

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