Steves jealous

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*January 8th, 1967*


"I'm telling you she's replacing me!" I yelled at soda while he was restocking shelves. "It's like I don't even exist anymore it's always 'soyair this' and 'soyair that' it's like hello? Your best friend since you were able to read is standing right here! And it would be different if she was doing it to Johnny to but she's not it's only me!" I yelled again. "Steve honestly I don't know, but you could stop worrying about my sister and help me STOCK THE DAMN SHELVES THAT IVE BEEN ASKING YOU TOO FOR AN HOUR!" soda said obviously annoyed. "Sorry, sorry your right I'll help" I said rolling my eyes. After we finished stocking the shelves neveah walked in. "Hey kid!" Soda yelled. "Wait- your supposed to be in a school" his expression changed. "And so are you Mr I dropped out at 16" neveah replied. "Oh hey Stevie" neveah said turning to look at me. "Yea, hey" I said back. I walked into the back room and decided to take my break god there's something about that girl.


Steve walked into the back room and I took a long sigh. "What does he have up his ass!?!" Neveah asked obviously annoyed. "I have no idea he's been like this since New Year's least at work." I lied I knew why he was upset but I didn't see why he cared so much. "More like since me and dally got back together" she said with an eye roll. "Speaking of that has he said anything to you about stuff before like the two months we were broken up?" Neveah asked a little suspicious. "Not that I remember..." I lied again. I knew how much Steve liked neveah but he said he got over it so there was no reason to tell her. "Alright the gang is having a fun night at the lot you and Mr.stick up the ass are welcome to come." She said. "Thanks" I answered. "Alright bye Pepsi-cola" neveah answered. "Bye nevvy" I said back. And she walked out "STEVE YOUR ENEMYS GONE!" I yelled. Steve came out of the room "thank god" he said turning to continue stocking shelves. "Now who's ignoring someone" I said under my breath.



"I can't be the only one who thinks Steve is acting weird" I said while we waited for the gang to get to the lot. Currently soy, johnny, dally, pony, soda, and Darry were at the lot with me. "I mean yea but doesn't he always act weird" johnny asked. "No, well yes but he's acting weirder than normal." I said. Everyone looked at soda who was looking anywhere but at us. "Soda?" I said. "Huh?" He asked looking at the ground. "What did Randle tell you?" I interrogated. He was silent till I gave him the sister stare. "Fine, he thinks you've replaced him with soyair!" Soda said. I knew I could crack him he's bad at keeping secrets. "What!?! Why would he think that?" I asked. "I don't know...maybe because you did?" Soda said. "I-I did not!" I yelled. "Ya kinda did kid" Darry said. "Well sorry almost being killed by someone kinda puts a tole on a friendship!" I said. "Didn't you almost kill yourself though?" Johnny asked. "No!" I said. "But you stabbed yourself?" Johnny said again. "Yea after he rolled me off of him!" I said. "Because you were trying to kill him?" Soda said. "UHG YOU GUYS ARE NO HELP!" I said. "Maybe just face the fact that your wrong?" Dally said. I gave him a death glare "Iwaskiddingneveahpleasedonttryandkillmeidontwannaenduplikesteve!" Dally said. "That's what I thought" I answered. I looked to my right and Steve and two were approaching us. "TWO-BITTTTTTT" soy yelled he ran and gave him a hug "hey baby miss me?" Two asked. "Yea kinda" soy answered. Steve just rolled his eyes. "Ok that's it Steve what is up with you, ya keep on act like someone killed your puppy!" I finally snapped. Steve stood there quietly for a second "well I'm sorry that my best friend replaced me with someone she met less than a month ago" he said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. He took a deep breath "well let's see I was there for you when dally wasn't, those two months where you were all depressed and stuff I was there for you the whole time. And then all of the sudden you and dally get back together and soy walks into our lives and it's like I don't mean anything anymore. I thought maybe it was something that I did and hell maybe it is but you don't get to be confused about why I'm upset when my best friend is slipping away and I can't do shit about it!" Steve finished. "WELL SORRY THAT SOYAIR DIDNT TRY AND KILL ME OR EXPOSE MY BIGGEST SECRET TO EVERYONE IN THE GANG OR BE TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS WHEN I LIKED YOU FOR THOSE TWO MONTHS!" I yelled. Everyone looked shocked "you what!?!" Steve asked. "That's not the point, I'm sorry ok Steve, I'm sorry I really am" I said falling to my knees crying. "I am too, I just don't wanna ever lose you, you mean so much to me and I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't here" Steve said breaking down next to me.

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