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I was up in the attic when I started to hear loud knock on the door. Then there was a lot of yelling and I knew Darry was here. I heard him coming down the hallway and after about 50 mins he screamed "NEVEAH I KNOW YOUR HERE, GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE OR I WILL KILL DALLY!" I heard him yell. That was the last straw I climbed down from the attic and Darry grabbed my arm and dragged me."dal im sorry I just didn't want him to hurt you" I said as we made it to where dally was standing. "Doll it's ok, come here real quick" he said and pulled me over, he then pushed me behind him. "If you want to take her you'll have to get through me!" He yelled. Soda sat up from the couch, "DALLY NO! I DONT WANT YOU TO GET HURT!" I yelled. "Just stay back I can handle myself" dal said. Phe walked over to me "come on!" She whispered and grabbed my arm. We ran out and Darry was chasing us.  "PHE DARRYS CHASING US!" I yelled. "Not for long!" She responded. We ran to...Randy's house?! And phe knocked...very aggressively.  He opened the door and we slipped inside, "what the hell do you two assholes doing here!?" Randy asked. "Darry is trying to send me to a mental hospitals!" I yelled. "Um ok just go hide in Asher's room" randy said. We walked up to her room and had a conversation until randy told us he was gone. We walked back home and dally ran up to me "are you ok?" He asked. "Yes dally I'm fine" I answered. "Good" he said and kissed me. "Seriously guys in front of me!" Phe whined. "Yeah! You kiss soda in front of me! You guys full on make out too! HE EVEN GAVE YOU A HICKEY THE SIZE OF TEXAS!" Dally yelled. "I won't let him get you baby doll" dally said. I just nodded, Jesus Christ this man is giving me so many mixed signals.

After some convincing phe convinced me to stay in her room. Dally walked  in before bed and I was zoned out on the wall thinking about me and dallys relationship and everything that's happened. "Hey doll" he said breaking me from my thoughts "hey..." I said still staring at the wall. "Baby what's wrong?" He asked. 'There's that name again!' I thought. "Nothing just...thinkin" I said and he walked off. Soon after phe walked in the room "hey nev" she said. "Oh hey" I said snapping out of my trance. "Sooo you and dal?" She asked. "We're friends" I said cutting off any further questions. "Ok whatever you say" she said sitting on the floor. "Hey can I have my switch and butterfly knife back?" I asked. "Well depends, are you gonna try and kill yourself again?" She asked. "No...I'm happy now, right where I am" I said. "Ok here" she said and handed them back. The rest of the night was spent talking about random crap, prank calling our friends, and having random giggle outbursts. Before we knew it the sun was up and dal walked out while we where laughing. "What time was bed time?" He asked. "Um never..." phe said and I started laughing under my breath. "Seriously!" He said and he started laughing .later dally invited me to the dingo and we sat in the very back corner. I immediately recognized the table "hey do you remember the last time we sat here?" I asked. "No..." he responded. "It was where we sat on our first date!" I answered. "Yeah...history always repeats itself" he said and leaned back. This man I swear, then the waitress came over. "Hey, are you two a couple?" She asked. I was about to say no but "yeah!" Dally told her. I sat there dumbfounded, we ordered and then I sunk in my seat and stared at the ceiling. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Your confusing me dal" I said with an eye roll. "How? Like this?" He said and kissed me. "Yeah...just like that" I answered.


I finally convinced dal to take me over to my house so I could grab a few things, I assumed Darry wouldn't be home because it was the middle of the day on a Tuesday day. But when we walked in Darry was sitting in the arm chair "well you have some nerve coming here" Darry said standing up. "Oh shit..." I said under my breath. Then the chaos started, Darry and dally got into a full on fist fight. Phe leaned over to me "this calls for some popcorn" she whispered. "Yeah" I answered. She got the popcorn and we sat down to watch dally turned to talk to us "hey your just gonna let your brother" he said and pointed at phe. "And your boyfriend, fight while you sit and eat popcorn" he said. We nodded, dar punched dal in the jaw and then paused "BOYFRIEND!?" He yelled. "That's my queue to leave" I said and ran towards the door. From behind me I heard "did you know?!" Dar asked. "And that's my queue to leave" phe responded running up and catching me. We ran to the park and sat on the edge of the fountain. We started laughing so hard that I fell backwards into the fountain "hey don't be your little brother!" She yelled and then laughed more causing her to fall back into the fountain. "Hey don't be me!" I yelled. "To late?" She said with a shrug.

We walked back to her house laughing and shivering the hole time.we walked in to see dally sitting on the couch all cut and bruised up "sorry my brothers an ass" I said as phe went to get the first aid kit "it's ok" he said giving me a kiss. Phe came back with the first aid kit "I don't need that, I'm fine" he said as phe sat next to him. "Dally" she said. "I said don't!" He yelled. "DALLAS TUCKER WINSTON!" Phe yelled. "I DONT NEED IT!" Dally yelled back. "Nev?" She said and I got the hint. I held him back "LET GO OF ME!" He yelled as phe cleaned his wounds. Eventually I let go and he sat up to let phe clean them easier. "I'm not happy about this but if it makes you happy" he said I chuckled slightly and dal gave me a death glare.

Later I was sitting in the living room twisting my ring while dal sat next to me whi5 his arm around my shoulder when phe walked in. "Soooo I might have invited the gang over for dinner" she said. "Wait...all of them?!" I asked. "Yes but two-bit can't come because he's going on a date with soy, pony and Johnny are going to the movies, and Steve is god knows where. So it's just gonna be us three and Darry and soda" she said. "Oh my goddd Darry's gonna murder me!" Dal said. "Oh shush you need to fix this drama" I said.


we were sitting at the table. I sat next to dally and soda, phe sat next to soda and Darry. Darry sat on the other side of phe, dally had his hand on my thigh to keep it from shaking because to be honest I was panicking."so Neveah...when do you plan on coming home?" Darry asked. "Ummm when you decide not to send me to a mental hospital" I said trying hard not to get too mad. "Well...then you can come back soon because I've already decided against that" he said. "Oh really?" I asked. "Yes...soda talked me out of it" he said with an eyeroll. "Thanks Pepsi" I whispered. He just nodded the rest of the dinner was just dal and dar giving each other dirty glares. "Ok that's enough!" I finally yelled. "What?!" Dal asked. "You two need to get over this! There is enough drama in this group as it is so if you can't get along then I'm gonna lock you guys in a room together until you do!" I yelled. I felt myself get dizzy, I get like that when I get real mad. "Hey nevvy chill your gonna pass out" dal said. I took deep breaths dally's and Darry's look fight didn't stop. Eventually I locked them both in a room and heard a lot of yelling and then normal talking and eventually someone knocked on the  door "yes?" I asked. "Where ready to come out" I heard Darry say. "Are you done fighting?" I asked. "Yes" dal said. I let them out and we all sat on the couch.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now