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I woke up the next morning to a violent headache and a piercing pain in my wrist. I sat up and almost immediately laced back down because I felt like I was gonna pass out. I sat up again but slowly this time and I stood up, I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I wondered to the closest and got ready for my breakfast date with dally.

When we got home phe was on the couch I almost immediately ran upstairs I heard a little yelling and then the door slam. I sat on my bed trying my best to keep consciousness. About 20 minutes later I heard the door open again and feet coming upstairs I could barely comprehend what was happening because I was mostly blacked out. Recently I'll stare at something for too long and then everything goes either black or white and I get thinking about things I've never thought about and I don't realize how much time has passed until I get snapped out of it. Well that happened and the strike of a clock brought me back. I stood up a walked downstairs sitting on the front porch, phe walked out and sat next to me. I took out my cigarettes and offered her one "nah I can't" she said. "Why..?" I asked with confusion. "Ask your brother" she said facing forwards. I thought for a second "OH MY GOD DID SODA BANG YOU UP!?" I yelled. "Yea...and I'm shocked dal didn't do the same to you." She said. I faced forward and went silent "who says he didn't" I said under my breath but she obviously heard me because she smacked the cigarette out of my hand "omg Nev what if your pregnant, it'll come out high!" She yelled. "Please I'm 16 and if I am pregnant it's dally's that baby's gonna come out high anyway look at its parents" I said. "What does your big brother have to say about this?" Phe asked. "He doesn't know, and he doesn't have to know. What about you?" I asked. "He's pissed. I mean he's happy about being an uncle but.." she said. I got a thought and walked inside and upstairs. I got the box out from under my bed and opened it, my mom has given me some...items before she died. I grabbed a pregnancy test and went in the bathroom I took it and waited patiently. After 5 minutes I looked, I took a sigh of relief "negative" was what it read.


I woke up feeling a little dizzy but that feeling was nothing new so I brushed it off. I got up took a shower put on shorts and a white tank top, pulled my hair up into a bun and made my way downstairs I made breakfast because I was the first one up, it was Saturday so everyone who worked had off work and the ones who cared enough to go were off of school. I made eggs and bacon and pulled the cake out of the freezer. I looked at the clocks 7:30am and just as I did dally walked in "good morning baby"he said kissing my cheek. "Morning handsome" I said turning around and giving him a peck on the lips. I finished breakfast and then grabbed a pot and a wooden spoon. Banged them together a few times until all 3 of my brothers were downstairs. "Jesus Christ Neveah you could have woken us up normally!" Darry yelled. "Yea? Well I didn't" I said setting the food on the table.

I looked at the clock 6:30pm. Pony and Johnny were on a date, soda and phe were on a date, two went to hang out with Steve and soyair so the only people home were me, dally, and Darry. I had gone upstairs to grab my meds to take, I took them and then came back downstairs. I got to about the middle of the living room when everything started spinning, my vision went blurry and I felt my legs start to shake. Suddenly everything went black.

When I woke up I was in the hospital. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around, Darry was standing in one corner and dally was sitting at the end of my bed. I sat up slightly causing Dallas to look at me "she's up dar" he said but his voice sounded almost contorted to me my ears were kinda ringing. "Hey nevvy you ok?" Dar asked. I looked down at my arm which was wrapped in a cast "w-what happened?" I asked. "Well the doctor said your arm is infected and you may have broke it when you fell" dal,y said. "Why did I fall?" I asked still confused. "You passed out again doll" dally answered. Suddenly the door opened "well I have some new" the doctor said. "Um Neveah do you have a boyfriend by chance?" She asked. Dally raised his hand "that would be him"I said. " your 2 weeks pregnant with twins...congratulations?" She said. I felt my heart drop. She left and dally looked like he was gonna pass out. And to be honest I felt like I was. Darry turned to me and then to Dallas "I'm gonna kill you winston!" He yelled. I grabbed my switch out of my pocket "the fuck you are!" I said as I flicked it open. "You can either calm your ass down or you can get the fuck out because I'm not played your games today Darry!" I yelled. Darry took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

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