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last night I was finally able to come home after staying with dal for a week. I wiped the make up off my neck last night and went to bed. When I woke up I could hear the hole gang downstairs. I got up and got dressed I wore a pair of real tight shorts and one of dally's hoodies. I brushed out my hair not bothering to put make up on the hickey dal had given me because my hair covered it. I put on some socks and wondered down stairs "SHE LIVES!" I heard soda yell. I sat on the couch next to Steve. I after a little while of sitting I went to get up to get a glass of water. When I stood up I was immediately tackled back onto the couch my two-bit "Jesus two" I yelled. "HOLLY SHIT NEVEAH WHATS ON YOUR NECK!?" I heard pony yell. Then Darry came running in from the kitchen "PONYBOY MICHE-NEVEAH LEEANN CURTIS WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" Darry yelled. I covered it back with my hair so no one else could see it. "Omg guys it won't stop cursing look what you did! Wait- DID THAT COME FROM DALLY?!" Steve yelled. "What!? No! Me and dally arnt even together!" I yelled. "Ha, yea right" phe said from the corner. "Yea princess don't lie" dally said and my face turned bright red. "I'm not lying!" I shouted. "Plus I've seen worse! At least it's not as bad as what soda did to phe!" I yelled. And then I grabbed phoebe's arm and we made a run out the front door. We ran back to the park. By the time got there we were laughing so hard we could barely breath, we saw dally coming and we jumped into the fountain. "What in the actual country fried fuck are you two doing!?" He yelled. "Taking a bath...?" I yelled. Dally grabbed us by the collar of our shirts and practically dragged us back my house. "NEVEAH LEEANN GO UPSTAIRS AND TAKE A SHOWER NOW!" Darry yelled. "The same goes for you phe!" Dally said. Me and phe walked upstairs and went into our rooms. She took a shower first and then she went back to her room, I grabbed my clothes and went into the shower I sat against the shower wall and looked down at my arm. The cuts we're looking kinda weird, I quickly remembered that I never actually got my stitches removed but I decided to just not say anything not wanting to bring it up. I stood up and finished my shower putting on a pair of jeans and a Elvis crop top and a black hoodie. I combined my hair into a high ponytail and using a little bit of hair grease to keep my fly always down. I walked out of the bathroom to see soda gaurding my bed room door. "Let me see" he said. "See what soda?" I asked. "Your neck!" He shouted. I grabbing his arm and pulled him into my room closeing the door. I showed him the hickey and he covered his mouth "oh shush" I said. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch fixing my ring. "Hey nevvy" I heard someone say. I looked up and it was dally "yes...?" I asked suspiciously. Dallas has never once called me nevvy not once there's just certain people it feels weird if they call me that because that was my parents nickname for me...well my moms my dad had weird names for all of us. Darry was "mini me" because they looked alike and had the same name. Sodas was "pepsi-cola" because...well you know. Pony's was "little colt" for god knows why. And mine well... mine was "nevvyfly" mostly because I loved butterflies since day one. Anyways "hey nevvy" dally said snapping his fingers. "Huh?" I asked. "You kinda zoned out...are you feeling ok?" He asked. "Yea I'm fine" I answered. "Ok, hey do you wanna go on a drive?" He asked. I looked over at Darry he looked like he was thinking..."fine! But be home in an hour" he said. I put on my socks and shoes and we got out. We got in the car and the ride up there was pretty quiet. I quickly realized where we were...windrixville. We drove up on jay mountain and got out. We walked over to a spot on the hill and sat down. The sun began setting "wait dally...I didn't think you liked sunsets?" I asked. I normally don't either but man was this one pretty, "yea...but this one is pretty, plus it reminds me of you" he said sitting a hand on my thigh. Once the sunset we got back into the car and started driving. I sunk back and stared at the ceiling, "what's up doll?" Dally asked. "Nothing... just thinking" I said. "You've been thinking an awful lot lately, whatcha thinking about baby?" He asked. "Dal....are we dating?" I asked. "I-um..." he said and after a little bit of silence he pulled over. "Dal...you ok?" I asked. "Yea, I'm thinkin too" he said running a hand through his hair. "You shouldn't have to think, because if I'm just another girl that your gonna pretend you love, get pregnant, and leave then I'll leave first!" I said not meaning for it to come out mean. "No, no, no. I-I just don't want to hurt you again" he said looking down. "Well your hurting me more by confusing the hell out of me, because one minute it's like we're kids again and we're only best friends, and the next it's like last year when we were dating. Quite honestly Dallas a couple weeks ago I didn't even want to be here, and weather that's because I thought that you would never talk to me again. Or weather I thought your guys life would be better if I was gone. But you come into my room and start calling me 'baby' and 'doll' and all these other thing and I want things to go back to how they were. I want everything to be perfect but...I can't even think about that until you tell me if this is serious to you or if I'm just another object for you to use and then throw away." I said almost crying. He kissed me "Neveah...since you were 13 I knew that I loved you. And I know this year and half hasn't been easy and we've had our ups and downs. But...if you can believe me then, I would love nothing more than for you too be my girlfriend again" dally said. "I believe you, and of course I will be your girlfriend again" I said and hugged him. Suddenly dally got up and pulled me into the backseat with him.


Neveah is 35 mins late. I was reading the newspaper but when I heard the door shut I looked up. It was Neveah and Dallas, Neveahs hair was a mess and she was all sweaty. "Where the hell have you been?!" I yelled. "Sorry dar we lost track of time" Nev said. "Uh huh looks like you lost track of time doing something, anyways Neveah go up to your room your grounded for a week" I yelled. "WHAT?! SODA USED TO COME HOME AT 3AM ON A 12AM CURFEW AND YOU DIDNT DO NOTHIN!" Nev yelled. "JUST GO TO YOUR ROOM, OR THE NEXT WILL BE NO SEEING MR. WINSTON OVER HEAR FOR A MONTH!" I yelled. She groaned and stormed upstairs. I looked over at dally and gave him a death glare and he ran outside. I don't even wanna know what happened in that car.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now