Its gonna be ok...I hope

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I hung up the phone and looked at Dallas. "What's wrong babe?" Dally said looking about as concerned as he did the day I told Darry. "It's Darry he got mad at Steve and Johnny and stormed out of the house and said he would be back when you were dead." Dally looked shocked. "Hey it'll be ok he can't hurt you I won't let him" I said. "I don't know what his problem is it's not like I would ever hurt you and-" he cut himself off as a tear fuel from his eye. So he could cry I thought. "I know it's just because I'm his kid sister and the only one he has" I said Almost crying myself. "No it's not, we'll partly but it's also because it's me, he's always said I was a bad influence" dally cried. "Oh come here dal we got the rest of the gang and I don't care what he says he can't stop me from loving you" I said as I held my arms out. Dal came over and hugged me . Just then the phone rang again.


Maybe I'm overreacting. No it's Dallas Neveah is a trouble maker already I don't need Dallas making it worse. The first place I checked was bucks he wasn't there so I checked the lot, then the drive in. But he was no where to be found. I sat down and thought for a minute,I am overreacting I found a phone booth and called nev.

*phone rings*
Nev- hello?
Darry- hey Nev it's Darry and before you hang up. I'm sorry, I overreacted and I'm sorry.
Nev- I-it's ok but you need to say sorry to Dallas he's like terrified of you.
Darry- yea I'll be over to the hospital in a sec get Dallas there if he's not already and I'll be over in a second.
Nev- ok Dar see ya soon.
Darry- bye kid
*Phone call ends*


I hung up and smiled down at dal. "What are you smiling at kid?" He snapped at me jokingly. "Darry calmed down, he admitted to overreacting and he's on his way over here" I said happily. Dal stilled looked scared "what if he lying Nev I might be 17 but I'm too young to die" he said. "Oh stop dal your not gonna die you'll be fine" I said white a joking annoyed tone. "Hey don't get wise with me." Dal said. "I ain't now get up I know the last thing you want is for Darry to walk in on you lay on me like a toddler". He quickly stood up cleared his throat and fixed his jacket, he wiped his eyes and sat down hitching his thumbs on his belt loops. 'We're gonna be ok' I thought and I really hoped I wouldn't be wrong.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now