Phe knows soy

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*january 25th 1967: 6:30pm)


So we told phe about soy. "WHAT!!! TWO HOW COULD YOU KEEP A BOYFRIEND FROM ME MAN" phe yelled. "Calm down phe" soda said. "So let's get this straight. There's another Curtis that I never knew about, two has a boyfriend I never knew about and a hilarious tiny banana problem, and... is Darry having a life crisis or something over there?" Phe asked. "Ya Darry's having a life crisis on whether he's gay or not" soda said. "Ok so add that to the list. God what do I know besides the point that I have the best boyfriend every" she said hugging soda. I made a gagging noise. "And the best brother" dally said. Phe laughed "yea and the most awesome brother...That lied to me" phe said and pushed him. I started laughing "hey dal did you ever tell her about how you cheated me" I asked with a laugh. "Babe, how does that always manage to come up?" He asked. "But no" he followed. Phe looked shocked. "No, no, no don't worry he was drugged" I said and she seemed to relax. "How long have you and dal been dating" phe asked. "Ummm it was a year on the 19th" I replied. Phe just nodded, "so two how's your tiny banana problem going" I asked. "Shut up" he said. Johnny and soyair were playing patty cake while pony read a book. "Ok question, sunrises or sunsets?" I asked just to be saying something. "Sunsets!" Pony and Johnny said. "Ummm sunsets" phe said. "Definitely Sunsets! Soy and two said winking at each other. "I don't know sunsets" Darry said. "Sunsets for sure" soda and Steve said. Me and dally just looked at each other. "How about you two" pony asked. "Um sunrises" we said. Everyone looked shocked "why!?" Pony asked. "It's a long story and I can't afford to be that sappy around you guys" I said. "Darry are you ok?" Pony asked looking up from his book. "No..." Darry said plain and simple. "Hey Steve where's baby randle?" I asked. "At home he refuses to be around pony" Steve answered with a chuckle. "That kid I swear. HES FIVE YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME AND I HAVE A BOYFRIEND" pony yelled causing us all to laugh. I think I'm gonna get used to phoebe being around she's cool and it's nice to finally know my boyfriends sister.

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