Dallas Tucker Winston

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About two days after I told Darry me and dal arnt together anymore me and two-bit were sitting in the kitchen. Two is like a 4th brother to me even though i know for a fact he has or had a crush on me. Anyways we were sitting in the kitchen...well he was sitting I was standing and doing the dishes that I was told to do this morning but I didn't. I was humming a song and doing the dishes when I heard two speak. "Neveah, why are you lying to Darry?" He asked taking a sip of beer. "Lying to Darry? What do you mean?" I asked still doing the dishes. "Neveah Leeann Curtis, don't play dumb!" He said causing me to turn around two bit raised his voice slightly he almost never does that endless he's joking. "Kieth David mathews I don't know what your talking about, and your one to call someone dumb" I was half joking half serious but I could feel my voice rising, my temper is as bad as Dallas' and I know that. "Neveah, you know what I'm talking about!" He almost yelled. "No I don't please Keith tell me what it is I'm lying to Darry about!" I said crossing my arms. "Your lying to him about why you and Dallas broke up!" He said his voice rising even more. I stared at him dumbfounded not knowing what to say, maybe I am dumb sometimes I'm not very book smart, but normally I am pretty street smart so i guess I should have known that's what he was talking about. "I'm lying to him because if he knew the real reason he would literally murder Dallas!" I said. "So? You guys broke up so Why do you care?" He said in a smart ass tone that set me off. "Because I may have met him a little later than you guys because he moved here later from New York but I've still known Dallas for at least 6 years and we dated for like 8 months you don't just stop caring about and forget about someone you've been that close too and have know for 6 years!" I said resist the urge to scream it. "HE CHEATED ON YOU NEVEAH YOU SHOULDN'T CARE!" he screamed. Just as he did we heard the door open and slam shut. When I looked over I saw my three brothers and no other than Dallas Tucker Winston.

Sorry it's so short I am still on vacation and another part will be out later today(it's almost 2 am currently where I am) or tomorrow. Btw the idea for the fight came from a person on one of my outsiders fan group chats so thank you Elika for the idea! I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry about the cliffhanger.

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