Stay tough, dont show

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*January 19th, 1967: 11:30pm*


When I woke up all I could hear was sirens, my head hurt so bad and my ears were ringing. My vision was still going in and out of focus. "W-where am I" I asked in a voice that even go me sounded strange and to who ever was with me. "Shhhh nevvy it's ok your in an ambulance" a voice that to me sounded like Johnny's. I suddenly remembered "wait where's dally!?!" I asked in pure panic. "Hey calm down it's ok he's in a different ambulance " another voice which sounded a whole lot like Steve's said. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. My ears were still ringing.

*at the hospital*

I was fine besides a minor concussion and my head was bleeding a little I was fine. They made me stay in a room because they didn't trust me to go home. I was sitting in my bed staring at the ceiling when someone knocked "hey kid can I come in" I heard a voice say. Only three people call me kid and that's Darry and sometimes two-bit and Steve. "Yea come in" said in a nonchalant voice. I finally looked down it was Darry. "Hey dar" I said. "How ya feelin" he asked sympathy present in his voice. "I'm fine, I'm not the person you should be worried about. I could be dead for all i care." I said. "Don't talk like that your my only sister and the gang couldn't get on without you." He said. 'Stay tough remember what happened last time you let someone know how you felt' I thought . "Well um they think dals gonna be ok, bad thing is he's in a coma and they have no idea when he'll wake up" Darry said. That broke me 'he's my brother it's fine' I started crying I put my head in my hands. "Shhhhh neveah it's gonna be ok" he said. "This is my fault, if I would have just left bob alone this wouldn't have happened I put dally in danger by us walking around that late especially when I know bob has a death wish for me" I cried."hey it's not your fault" he said and hugged me.

*january 21st, 1967: 12:32pm*

I got home from the hospital yesterday, I haven't left my room since. I listing to music way to loud and smoking a cigarette. I was listening to "California dreamin' " and sitting outside my window. I reached in my back pocket and felt my butterfly knife. I pulled it out and looked at it the memories of that night flooded my mind. I used to have a butterfly knife when I was like 11 but I lost it in a fight with a soc, so I knew a couple tricks. I put it back in my pocket and looked at my hand, the skull ring that dally took from a drunk college kid. Everything I looked at reminded me of him next I looked at my necklaces, I had my dog tag that dally got for me and my st. Christopher's necklace that dally had also got me. I use it to strike matches we have matching ones. I leaned against the seal of window. I heard a faint knock on my door I sighed, stood up and walked to the door. "Who is it" I said in a melancholy tone. "It's soda" the voice outside said. I turned down the music and opened the door. "Yes?" I asked. "Darry wants you downstairs for lunch" soda said. "I'm not hungry" I said. "Neveah you haven't eaten in two days cmon" soda answered. "I don't care I'm not hungry now go away!" I almost yelled. "Whatever kid" he said and walked away. The only people I would really talk to were Steve, Johnny, soyair, and sometimes pony. I sat down on my bed and there was another knock "oh my god! Who is it?!" I yelled. "J-Johnny" the voice outside said. I immediately regretted yelling. "Shit sorry Johnny" I said and opened the door. "It's cool can I come in?" He asked. "Yea sure" I said and stepped aside. Johnny walked in and sat on my bed I closed the doo4. I went over to my desk and grabbed my pack of cigarettes and my box of matches. I pulled out a match and a cigarette, I put the cigarette in my mouth and struck the match off my necklace. I then sat on my bed and took a drag. "How ya been doin?" Johnny asked. "Fine I guess...we'll as fine as I can be knowing that my boyfriend could never wake up and it's probably my fault." I said taking another drag. "Nevvy it's not your fault" Johnny tried to reassure me. "Yea whatever" I said standing up. "Cmon Neveah dally will be fine he's tough" he said coming over to me. "Yea but even tough people can die from stab wounds" I said. "Yea but you didn't and you were out for a week and dally was just as worried as you are know but you were fine" Johnny replied. "Yea but I got stabbed once by myself, dally had like six stab wounds and it was by bob" I said pacing the room. "He'll be ok just give him a few days" Johnny said. "Yea your probably right, thanks Johnnycake" I said giving him a hug. "No problem nevvy" he said hugging me back. "Ya wanna come down for lunch?" He asked. "I'll come down but I'm not eating" I said. "Works for me" he said. I put out my cigarette and walked out of my room.

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