Neveahs mad at dally.

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*January 25th, 1967: 2:20pm*


I was sitting on the couch "after school" and by that I mean I snuck out like an hour early but eh. Darry would be home with dally soon and I had a bone to pick with him, now don't get me wrong phe is awsome and it's nice to have another girl in the group but it was just the concept that he didn't think to tell me that he had a sister. The door opened and i jumped to my feet "neveahhhh your supposed to be at school, you know so soyair doesn't get killed by socs?" Darry said. "Yea but me and Mr had a hidden sister need to talk" I said tapped my fingers on my arm. "Can we not do this today please" dally asked annoyed. "Hmmm let me think...fuck no!" I said. "Language!" Darry yelled from the kitchen. "Ok me and dally are going over to bucks for a little" I said grabbing his arm. "Shit" he mumbled under his breath. The walk over was silent but the minute we got into bucks I locked our door "why?" I asked. "Huh?" He said back. "Why did you not tell me about phoebe?" I said annoyed. "I don't know I didn't want you to be jealous that there is another girl in the gang" he said. "Ya right Dallas why?" I asked again. "Look I kinda ran away from her when we lived with our parents and I wasn't proud of it and I didn't want you to think I was even more of a shitty person" he said. "I would never think your a shitty person, you didn't have to hide that you had a sister" I said. "Although I am suprised that you guys hid it for this long." I said. "Yea you and me both" he said. He grabbed me by the waist and gave me a hug. "I love you dally" I said against his chest "I love you too sweetheart" he said kissing my head. "Did you know about phe and soda and that Steve and soda were fake" I asked. "Yea hun" he said. "I'm gonna punch you" I said. "Look I really wanted to tell you but the gang told me it would be Better if I didn't" he said. "I didn't watch the sunrise without you" I said. "Huh?" He asked and looked at me. "The sunrise. I couldn't bring myself to watch it without you" I said. "Aw" he said. "It's our thing, how the darkness opens up into light you said it reminded you of us and how we could change, so I doubting myself to watch it without you" I said almost crying. He kissed me "thank you" he said almost cry himself.

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