What the fuck just happened?

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so phe just punched dally, as we all stood there dally said "alright don't go, you can die for all I care" and he stormed outside. Phe ran up to her room. I sat there in momentary shock before soda went up after her. I looked down I can't help feel that this is my fault, I don't know why phe is her own person but still. I could tell Steve and everyone else was looking at me, because as much as it's against anything I wanted everybody knew why I broke up with Steve, and I felt like shit.

I was shuffling cards when phe and soda came back downstairs. "Hey nev, Steve wanna play poker with me and phe?" I heard soda ask. "I'll play just not with Neveah" Steve said and I could practically feel the eye roll. 'Goddamnit Steve why do you always have to do this' I thought. "What's wrong between you and nev?" Phe asked. 'Shit' I thought. "Oh you don't know?, Neveah broke up with me because she still has feelings for dally" I heard Steve say. "Oh that jerk, I don't care go steal him for all I care. You two jerks will be good together" phe said. 'Oh that bitch' I thought standing up. "Why am I a jerk?!" I asked as phe stormed out. Soda walking after her. Moments later soda came back in "Darry...phe needs you" soda said sitting on the edge of the couch. Phe came in soon after with what looked like blood on her neck and then she walked into the bathroom and soda followed her. Then when they came back out she yelled something and then threw her ENGAGEMENT RING at soda. Dally walked in all busted up and phe ran out of the house. I heard soda start crying "anyone wanna tell me, WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!?!" I yelled in confusion. "Phe got mad because I-I yelled for Darry to go help h-her" soda said between sobs. I rushed over and hugged him "I'm so sorry soda" I said hugging him. I stood up pulling soda from his place on the floor and as I did I caught a glimpse of dally. Who was staring at me with a look of confusion I turned to him to say something but no words felt right. "I don't know" I whispered under my breath and Ran up to my room because I felt a panic attack happening. I used to get panic attacks all the time, mostly after my parents died but hanging out with the gang had stopped them. But I'm pretty sure half the gang doesn't wanna talk to me so here I am. I sat back to my bed hyperventilating and shaking my leg. I was scratching at the skin around my nails so much it was bleeding and it burned. 'This is all my fault, it's all my fault, my fault, my fault' was what I kept repeating in my head. 'If I would have just tried to be happy with Steve this wouldn't have happened' I thought. 'Phe only ran outside because she found out why I broke up with Steve, I'm a terrible person' I thought and I was squeezing my eyes shut so hard I was seeing colors. I suddenly heard someone sink down on the floor beside me and throw an arm over my shoulder. "Heyy shhhhh it's ok, calm down nev it's ok" the voice whispered. I couldn't quite tell who it was, my breathing started to slow as the person played with my hair "hey, you ok?" He asked in a calm voice. I finally felt composed enough to open my eyes and when I did I saw Johnny. "Hey nevvy your ok, I'm here" he said. "T-t-t-thanks J-J-Johnny" I stuttered leaning my head on his chest. "No problem" he said. We stayed like that until I was completely calmed down then I sat up. "So I hate to ask this but...is what Steve said about dally true?" He asked. I took a deep breath "y-yea" I said. "Why didn't you just tell him? And why would you get with Steve if you knew you liked dally?" Johnny asked. "Because I liked Steve too, and of course I liked dally more but I was scared he would reject me" I sniffled holdback more tears. "Ohhh ok I get it" he said. "Hey it's pretty late, why don5 we get you to bed?" Johnny asked. I nodded my head and Johnny helped me up I sat on my bed and Johnny threw me pjs. He walked out and I gave him the ok to come back in when I was done. He went over to my dresser and threw me some Advil, he knows I get massive headaches after anxiety attacks. I took the pills with a drink of water and laid down. "Goodnight nevvy" Johnny said and turned out the lights. "Goodnight johnnycake" I said and he left. I snuggled down into the blanket and just as I was about to fall asleep I heard a large crash from down stairs.

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