Why does bob hate nev?

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when I got to bucks I went straight to dallys room. My cheek still stung but eh. I opened the door and dal looked over. "Hey babe!" He yelled and ran over to me. He went to give me a hug but stopped and grabbed my head. "Hey! You have a bruise on your cheek! Where'd tha5 come from?" He said concerned. "Well um Darry hit me and then kicked me- we'll all three of us out" I said scared of what he would do. "I swear to god the next time I see him Im Gonna-" I cut him off with a kiss. "Dal it's fine, I'm fine. Ok?" I said in a sweet tone. "Oh alright whatever you say" he said and sat on the bed. "Hey I got a question babe" he said. "Shoot" I said. "So ya know that soc Johnny almost killed last year" he asked. "Ha, how couldn't I, Mr. Rober Sheldon the first soc that ever jumped me" I said. "Yea him, why does he hate you so much?" He asked looking at me. "Well it all started when I was in 3rd grade and he was in 6th we were about 8 and 11......


I was walking into school when one of the 6th graders stopped me, I knew he was a "soc" or whatever but who cares anyways. "Hey"he said. "Um hey?" I said back trying to keep my cool girl act. "Your neveah right?" He asked. "Um yea..and you are?" I said very confused. "Rober Sheldon. But people call me bob" he said holding out a hand. "Um yea...hi" I said. "Um do you maybe wanna hang out tonight?" He asked. "I would but my brother and parents would kill me for hanging out with a rich soc thing" I said feeling bad. "Oh yea.....I forgot greasers arnt supposed to like us" he said and walked away


"Yea, and ever since then he realized he had to hate me and me and him have had kinda rivalry...I think I only made it worse when I kissed cherry at the beg of the year" I said finishing my story. "Wait so because you wouldn't hang out with him....he has tried to kill you multiple times?" He asked sounding confused. "Look I know it's stupid but I don't know he just hates me" I said with a shrug. "Ok whatever, soda are weird" he said laying down. I laid down next him and thought about my fight with Darry, if he's gonna act like this maybe we shouldn't go back. It took me a long while to fall asleep but eventually I did.

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