Please just let things be normal

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Once o got my shit together I washed my face and put on my shoes, I walked downstairs holding Steve's hand. Me him and Johnny got to the living room. "Where are you three going?" Questioned Darry. "To the lot, maybe on a walk I dunno" Steve said. "Ok boys. Just have her back by 12 ok?" Darry said sweetly. "No problem dar" Johnny said as we walked out the door. We were walking to bucks to get my stuff, then it set in 'me and dally arnt together anymore, he cheated on me' I felt the tears coming again and I made a noise in my throat causing Steve and Johnny to look at me. I quickly choked down the tears "I'm ok really" I said pretty quiet. "Ok come on let's get this over with" Steve said. When we got to bucks it was about 8pm and the roar of hank Williams made my head hurt. We walked in and immediately up to Dallas' room. I knocked hoping I wouldn't get a response. I didn't so we walked in. I quickly grabbed my bag and packed my stuff. Steve and Johnny waited outside. I sat down on the bed when I was done and looked around. 'This is the last time I'll ever be in this room' I thought and the thought felt weird almost like I was dreaming but I knew I wasn't this was the new normal and I'm just gonna have to deal with it. My mom always said "don't fall in love with a heartbreaker" I didn't listen not to her, not to anyone who told me that Dallas was bad news, I was just too blind to realize. I was broken out of my thoughts by a bang outside the door. I slowly opened it to see Johnny and Steve blocking dally from the room. "Guys it's fine let him in I'm leaving now anyways" I said grabbing my bad. The boys listened and moved aside. Dallas looked me in the eyes for a minute. "Dallas stop, I can't even look at you let alone talk to you. You promised, I thought you ment it. I should have listened to my mom" I said storming out. I heard Steve and Johnny follow after me. We walked back into the house at around 10:30 we walked around a little to get stuff off my mind. When I got home I walked inside and saw soda sitting on the couch with two-bit. Soda and pony just stared at me. "Well hello to you too?" I said with a fake giggle. "Ok or don't talk to me I'm going to bed goodnight" I said slightly annoyed. I heard everyone give me a melancholy "goodnight" I walked upstairs and sat on my bed. Reality set in once more but harder this time. And I felt a tear slide down my face. I slowly fell asleep thinking about everything that happened, it's safe to say this is one of the worst days I've ever had.

*2 weeks later*

I've been laying in bed a lot. And I've completely lost the will to eat, i don't know dally was my world and now he's gone. No neveah he cheated on you I told myself. I sat up in bed and slowly stood up. I put on one of Steve's hoodies that he had left here and a pair of shorts. I put on some white socks. I haven't been downstairs in 4 days so i guess I'll go down there. I slowly walked down the steps. It was quite but not to quiet it was about 7:00am so makes sense. I walked down and the first person I saw was soda. He saw me coming down the steps. "Hey sis" he said sounding sad "he soda" I said trying to sound happy. Soda gave me a hug, I love his hugs. He pulled back and helped me down the steps. The next person I saw was Steve thank god. Soda walked me over to the couch and I sat next Steve. "Hey Stevie" I said sorrow and tired present in my voice "hey sweetheart" he said playing with my hair while I laid on his shoulder. He then stopped and looked at my hoodie. "Hey neveah?" He asked confused. 'Oh shit' I thought "yea Stevie?" I said trying to sound Innocent. "I-is that my hoodie?" He asked flustered. "Oh um...yea I'll take it off if you want, I just couldn't find any of mine and I didn't wanna ware Dallas' " you said looking down. "No it's fine looks better on you anyway" he said with a grin. "Thanks Steve" I said my face going scarlet. Please don't tell me I'm falling for Steve. I just got cheated on and broke up with Dallas, I can't like Steve there's no way. Yet why do I feel like this. Cant this world just please let one day be normal.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now