I dont know what to do

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I stood there and stared at him from the door way of the kitchen. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, his brown hair was a mess and he had dark purple circles under his eyes. God but he was still pretty, I was broken out of my thoughts by Darry's very loud and very angry voice. "HE DID WHAT?!?!" Darry screamed causing pony and soda to take a step back, much like dally no one wants to be around Darry when he's that mad. I didn't know what to do or what to say. Dal was giving me a pleading look and two had a smug look on my face god he's dead when this is all over. "I-I um...He um" I said "shit" I then whispered under my breath. "I don't know" and without thinking what I was doing I ran out of the house. It was dark outside but I didn't care I kept running and didn't stop till I got to the lot. I immediately regretted stopping when I saw Johnny. "Hey nev-" was all I heard before I cut him off by running again. This time I stopped in the bushes by a train, when the workers weren't looking i jumped on a open cart and sat in the back corner. I held my breath as the workers checked the carts. Finally the train started moving and the only thing I could think was "Steve and Johnny are gonna be so worried' and the thought made my head hurt. I guess I must have drifted off to sleep because when I woke up I decided to jump off. I had no idea why but it just felt why. So I jumped off and looked around, I was somewhere in the country. I got to walking a little bit whenever the place started to seem familiar. Then I started to Remember the stories that pony and Johnny had told me about the place they had ran off to when Johnny almost killed bob. Dally had taken them back to town and they turned themselves in. Johnny was let off because it was self defense anyways I recognize the place from the stories. I don't know how but I did. I was in windrix ville. I also remembered dal telling me where they had stayed, he didn't tell anyone else though. It was some abandoned church I think it was on jay mountain. I found the nearest farmer and walked up to him. "Excuse me sir" I said trying to sound as angelic as possible I look like a hood and sound like one too I'm definitely a greaser. "Yes young lady?" The farmer asked. "Could you please tell me where jay mountain is?" I asked in a sweet voice. He gave me directions "thank you" I said an started towards the mountain. I walked and walked until I finally found the church. It was old and looked like it could fall apart at any minute. I went inside and saw Pepsi bottles, weeds, and some other random stuff I guess from when Johnny and pony were there. I emptied my pockets onto the table: two packs of cigarettes, 20 dollars, my switchblade, and the dog tag that dal had gotten me for our 6 month anniversary. I flipped it over "Dallas & Neveah- forever and always my love." I read. Yea right, "forever and always" fuck that I thought then I stopped. I loved Dallas, no I didn't love him...I still do. At that thought my vision began to blur and before I knew it I was crying in spite of myself. I took off my hoodie which I quickly realized it was dals. I threw it in a ball on the ground and laid down on it. The thoughts swirled in my head and I eventually drifted off to sleep.

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