Word war three...in Tulsa

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After we left the dingo and left Darry speechless, we all went or separate ways. I walked to the park and sat on the swings. I was completely zoned out staring at the water fountain where Johnny had almost killed bob, sometimes I wish he would have. I was once again broke from my thoughts to the sound of running, I opened my eyes and saw soda. "Hey soda!" I said. "Hey nevvy" he said back. "Not to be rude like your my brother and I love you but um why are you here I thought you went back with StEvE" I said his name with an eye roll. "Oh shush, ya see I did go back but Steve was at the DX talking with Two-Bit and one of the Shepard gang I think curly. But he was saying that the only reason you were able to beat him the other day in that fight was because he wasn't ready " soda finished his sentence. I could feel and evil smirk creep onto my face as an idea popped in my head "ok well tell Mr. Randle to be ready tonight at 10pm" I said. "Wait neveah are you-" soda tried to say. "Just tell him!" I said turning around and walking to bucks. It was about 7:30 when I got there and walked up to mine and dallys room. Dally was sitting on the bed spaced out but when the door shut he turned to look at me "hey! Where did you go earlier?" He asked giving me a hug. "To the dingo to talk to Darry, he wanted us to come back but we told him not till he stopped acting like he was a grandpa that fought in World War One" I said turning around. "Ah, ok" dally said sitting back down on the bed. "Anyways I've got a fight tonight so"was all I said before dal cut me off. "A fight!?! With who!?!" He asked standing up. "It's not important" I said trying to avoid the question. "Yes it is! Is it one of shepherds outfit?" He asked pushing the question. "No" I said shortly. "Is it a Soc?" He asked again. "Nope" I said turning around. "Ok so that leaves." He thought. "One of our gang. Right?" He finally said. "Bingo" I said. "Wait, ok but which one?" He asked again. "Damn dal I thought you were smart, think about it" I said. I could call Dallas stuff or make fun of him without dying same with Johnny. "Hmmmmm, oh shit I am dumb" he finally said. I nodded "it's Steve isn't it?" He said.  "And we have a winner!" I said causing dal to grab me by the waist and pull me onto the bed with him. "Wait why are you fighting Steve again?" He asked. "Because he told soda that the only reason he beat me was because he wasn't ready" I said with a small chuckle. "Oh he fucked up" Dallas said. "Mhm now let me get up I gotta get ready." I said. "Fine!" Dallas groaned. I stood up and grabbed my black bralette top and a pair of grey jean shorts. I put my converse back on and put my leather jacket on the chair. "Babe, ya might wanna keep that it's almost winter and it's gettin pretty cold" dally said. "Nah I'll be ok" I said standing up. I looked at the clock 8:15 was what it read. "What times the fight?" Dal,y asked. "10" I said sitting on the bed. "Can I come watch?" Dally asked cheerfully. "Why?" I asked back in confusion. "So I can see you beat the actual shit outta Steve...again!" Dally yelled with excitement . "Ok fine you can come but no intervening even if I'm half dead on the ground alright?! I said in a serious tone. "Ok deal!" Dal said.


9:55pm was what the clock read when we left to head to the park. I wasn't scared not one bit. When we got to the park our whole gang was there... except Steve and including Darry! I mean he never comes to fights. "Hey guys!" I yelled walking over to them. "Hey nev!" Two yelled. "I was wondering where you were" he said. "Nev look behind you" soda said.  I turned around to see Steve approaching the park. "You gonna be ok" Darry asked. "Yea dar I'll be fine" I answered. "Just don't let you and Steve end up like you and bob...you know friends to forever enemies" soda whispered to me. My brothers were the only ones who knew the whole story on why bob hated me dally only knew half. "Hello Neveah" Steve said as he got there. "Steven" I said back and had to stop myself from laughing at the anger on his face. We stepped out to the field and stood across from each other. Steve threw the first punch which I blocked and kneed him in the stomach. He punched me in the eye and I punched him back in the nose and at the first drop of blood Steve had a piece of wood. "Ok wait" I said stepping back. "If we're gonna use weapons at least use the right ones, dumbass" I said. He looked confused so I grabbed my switch from my back pocket and opened it. "Neveah I do t have my switch on me" he said in a smart ass tone. "Ok let's fix that". "Soda give me your switch" I said turning to them."neveah this is dumb-" he said. "Just give it to me or your next!" I yelled. Soda sighed reached into his back pocket and grabbed his blue switch "here" he said and threw it to me. I caught it "here Stevie catch!" I said and threw it. Steve caught it and flicked it open. And then everything started. We were cutting each other and I got Steve down in a pin and had my switch to his head. He rolled me off and I quickly got up however I felt and intense pain in my stomach. The world started to spin the last thing I heard and saw before everything went black was. "NEVEAH!" And the whole gang hovering over me and then it all went dark.

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