Just dont talk

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I was stilling laying in bed when I heard the door open and shut the one sound I didn't wanna hear. I groaned and put my face in my pillow. Then I remembered that buck had a party going on until about 3am so I decided to go. I got dressed in jean shorts and a Elvis shirt and hopped out my window. When I go to bucks I walked straight to the bar I ordered a drink and laid back "hey pretty girl" a random greaser said. "Go away I have a boyfriend" I answered. "I don't see him" he said. I flipped my switch "walk away or you won't be able to see much anymore" I said. He walked ways.

*10:30am the next day*

I woke up the next day in one of bucks rooms. I remembered the events of yesterday and wished I could curl up in a ball and die. I slowly pushed myself out of bed stumbling on my feet. I got dressed in a hoodie and jeans, 'I can't break up with him' I thought he's done nothing wrong. I walked out of bucks and walked around town seeing a few people I knew I did pass pony and Johnny once but I quickly walked away. I couldn't talk to the gang, I finally decided to get into a little trouble I walked around messing with people just trying to get my mind off of things. I got into a pretty good fight with a soc, he ran off when my switchblade came out. I walked over to the movie theater and saw a movie.


By this time I had gotten into 4 fights 2 with socs and 2 with greasers. I finally walked over to the lot and sat down. I leaned back and stared at the clouds they looked so pretty. 'I have to break up with him' I thought. And I knew that thought was right no matter how much it hurt.


I decided to walk home and just not talk to anyone I was getting bored of walking around and I just wanted to sleep. When I made it there a everybody was in the living room and I mean everybody two, phe, dal, dar, soda, Steve, soy, Johnny, pony, Austin, and even Daniel. I took a long sigh and walked inside "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?!" Darry yelled. "AWAY FROM THIS THOUGHT EATING HELL THATS WHERE!" I yelled back. "Neveah you look horrible I mean bruised up and cut everywhere" Steve said. "Wow that's something I needed to hear" I said walking upstairs. I walked into my room and locked the door, I turned up the music and laid on my bed. After about an hour like that I heard a knock.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now