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I was almost asleep when I heard a loud crash. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran down stairs to see soda hyperventilating on the floor with phoebe at his side. Steve walked over and fucking stabbed him "WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM STEVE!" I yelled. Phe ran out of the house, Steve didn't respond "ITS ONE THING TO TRY AND KILL ME, TO HATE ME BUT LEAVE MY GODDAMN FAMILY AND FRIENDS OU5 OF THIS BECAUSE ITS ME WHO BROKE UP WITH YOU!" I yelled again. "WHORE!" Steve yelled at me. "YOU WANNA GO SLUT? BECAUSE I TOOK YOUR BROTHER AND ILL TAKE YOU TOO PRINCESS!" He yelled. Then dally walked in. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" He yelled picking up soda. We drove to the emergency room and when we got there Steve walked over to me in the waiting room. "What do you want!?" I asked. "To settle this the right way" he answered. I nodded my head and we walked outside, when we got out there we flicked open our blades 'if I'm gonna die at least I died fighting' I thought. I lunged at Steve and cut the side of his head, he got me on the arm which a pretty deep cut. I was mad at this point mad at him, mad at the lies, mad at phoebe, mad at the world. I pinned Steve down and held my blade to his throat "this is the last time we will fight, this is the last time you will mess with my family" I said. Steve looked genuinely terrified "please Neveah" he said under his breath. "NEVEAH DONT" I heard someone yell. I looked up and it was phoebe "why? He might have killed soda and I'm already a jerk remember!?" I yelled. "Yes! But killing him won't do anything but put you in jail!" She yelled. "Ha, wouldn't be the first time" I shrugged. I looked down at Steve and suddenly a million memories flooded my mind.


I was sitting at a table when one of the second graders came up to me. He was a little taller than me, black hair, wearing a denim vest. "Hiya I'm Steve Randle" he said reaching out his hand. "I'm Neveah, Neveah Curtis" I answered. "Omg are you Sodapops sister!?" He asked. "Yea?" I said. "That's my best friend!" He screeched. "Oooo that's so cool" I answered. "Well we're a trio now, come on....Nev. yea that's your nickname now" he said. "I like that" I said grabbing his hand.


I was standing in the corner alone while my friends danced with their boyfriends. "Hey nev" I heard a voice say. "Oh hey Stevie" I answered. "You looked lonely and I am too so we can be lonely together" he said with that hilarious smile. " wanna dance?" He asked. "Yea sure!" I answered. He took my hand and led me to the dance floor. That was a great night.


I was out playing football with my "gang" it's really just a group of guys me and my bro hang around. Dallas, Keith or two-bit, Darry, soda, pony, Johnny, and Steve. "Cmon kids lunch is ready!" I heard my mom yell. "Coming" we all yelled. When we got inside we all sat on the couch. "Thanks for lunch" Steve said. That's what the guys called our mom, later when it got dark we chased each other around outside playing tag. I got bit by a spider but eh.


I suddenly snapped out of my trans and fell backwards on the grass crying. I then threw my blade across the field "kill me I deserve it" I said putting my head on my knees. I looked up after a minute to see phe and Steve sitting infront of me "this is all my fault!" I yelled

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now