Darrys mad...and we're kicked out

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Later we were all sitting in the living room. We were all talking to each other except for pony who refused to talk to anyone but Johnny. Eventually after dal and Johnny had left and I'm assuming two-bit, me, soda, and pony were up in our rooms. Pony and soda were wrestling I could here it through the wall, and I was sitting on that place outside my window listening to music and smoking a cigarette. When I heard the worst thing "PONYBOY MICHEAL CURTIS!" and a few seconds later "SODAPOP PATRICK CURTIS!" he paused for awhile so I thought I was in the clear until I heard. "NEVEAH LEANN CURTIS!" I stood up very fast and threw my cigarette and out my pack back in a box. I closed my window, turned off the mud, and walked out of my door. Me, soda, and pony stared at each other for a second contemplating on going down. "GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERD NOW!!" Darry yelled once more. We all ran down the stairs I tripped and hit my nose on the handle starting a bloody nose. "Neveah are you ok!?!?" Soda asked. "Yea. Fine just go" I said standing up. We all made it down and stood in order from youngest to oldest. Darry looked pissed but I couldn't think what we all did, then I remembered dinner. I was still holding my nose  and it hurt like hell. "So when we're you three gonna tell me about all of that?" He asked. "All of what?" I asked trying to sound clueless. One by one he went down the line "dating Johnny for a year" he pointed at pony. "Dated Steve broke up with him and got back with him" he pointed at soda. "And dated a soc that was 3 years older than her" he said and pointed at me. "2 and 1/2" I said under my breath. "WHAT WAS THAT NEVEAH!?!?" he yelled. "Hm? Oh nothing" I said with a chuckle. "YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR MOUTH LITTLE GIRL!" he said and hit my cheek, harder than he ment to but still. "Um ow?" I said. "All three of you out" he said turning around. "Why just because I was a little and the soc vs grease thing wasn't as bad back then?" I asked. It kinda was but I was trying to prove a point, I got jumped for the first time when I was 9 and guess who it was by? Mr. Robert Sheldon. That's when it all started but that's a story for another time. "It doesn't matter why just out, you can come back tomorrow when I don't want to knock your heads together." Darry said. We all walked out and decided to go our separate ways. I went to bucks to be with dal, pony went to the lot to go with Johnny, and I'm guessing soda went to StEvE's.

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