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Go read MrsSodyPopCurtis part to find ou wha5 happened to phoebe becs I'm lazy


Me and steve are dating! Oh my god that feels weird to say. We have been on dates and he so awesome. We haven't had our first kiss yet bu5 it'll happen soon. I still can't bare to talk to dally I haven't since the night we broke up. Im trying to focus on steve instead of dally but I can't get him out of my head. I thought about what phe said, about how she didn't mind me being with dal. But I still chose steve I guess I was scared that maybe dal didn't like me anymore. Me and steve were walking around town "ok so why did you chose me?" Steve asked. I didn't know how to respond I couldn't tell him that he was my second choice because I was scared of being rejected by Dallas. "I don't know you funny, and cute, and lovable." I answered lying through my fucking teeth goddamn im a terrible person. Suddenly steve stopped me and looked me in my eyes "wanna know why I like you?" He asked looking at my lips then back at my eyes "sure?" I said. "Because your funny, and hot, and tuff, and you don't give a shit about people's opinions" he said. Before I knew it we were kissing. But...shit. It didn't feel like when I kissed dal it didn't feel...right? In fact it felt wrong.


Neveah had called me and told me to come over, when I got to her house I went up to her room "hey" she said. "Hey" I replied. "So Steve, I-I've been thinking and, well I still have feelings for dally and I like you too but I don't wanna put you through this if I'm not 100% sure so maybe it's better if we just stay friends, don't get me wrong your great and an amazing best friend but I don't wanna hurt you and make you feel second best" she said. I stormed downstairs. "Whoa Steve what happened, wait...what did soda do this time!?!" Darry asked. "Oh It wasn't soda this time, maybe you should go ask your little perfect angle what's  wrong...oh wait she's not an angle" I said. "What do you mean?" Darry asked. "Oh maybe instead you could ask her criminal record" I said. "What do you mean?...she doesn't have criminal record" Darry said. "Oh...think again" I said. "Oh and her criminal record isn't the only thing she's been hiding" I said. "Oh god...what else" he asked. "Oh I don't know maybe you should ask her to roll up her sleeves up" I said. "'s not what I think it is right?" Darry said obviously concerned. "Don't know is it" I said and walked out of the house.


After Steve left my room I was making bracelets and blasting music. Suddenly Darry barged In my room "Jesus Darry, there's this new thing it's called...KNOCKING!" I said. "Roll up your sleeves" he said plain and simple. "What?" I asked confused. "You heard me" he said. "Darry I'm confused" I said. "GODDAMNIT NEVEAH JUST DO WHAT YOUR TOLD FOR ONCE!" Darry yelled. I scooted back I took a deep breath. "Fine!" I yelled. And rolled up my sleeves, I have about 10 cuts up one arm and 5 up the other. "neveah!" He yelled. "Look I'm sorry there all old" I said lying. "When was the last time you...cut?" He said the last word quieter. "When I broke up with dal" I said. "That was a week ago!" He yelled. "I KNOW!" I yelled crying at this point. Darry crawled up on the bed with me and held me close. "I-I'm s-s-s-so s-sorry I'm p-putting you guys through t-this" I said in between sobs. "Shhhhh it's ok" Darry said playing with me hair. Suddenly the front door slammed open

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