Damn it steve

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I was sitting in the DX after neveah left. Steve hadn't left the break room I had no idea why. "Steven get out here you have customers!" I yelled from the cash register. He stormed out angrily, "whoa what's up with you?" I asked a little confused. "First off I told you to stop calling me that, and second neveah." He said as he walked out. "Wait!?!" I said running after him. "What do you mean by neveah?" I asked when I caught up to him. "I have no idea why she is back with DaLlAs after he cheated on her! That's what I mean she is way too trusting!" He yelled. "Ok!?! It's not really your place to question or disagree with her relationship. I mean your not wrong but if my sister wants to get her heartbroken again then it's her decision because she won't listen to any of us" I said sorta shrugging it off. "Yea well I know someone who will stop her" he said with an evil smirk that i really did not like. "Steven Jacob randle you will not tell darry, because neveah will never forgive you if you do!" I said in a very serious voice. "Yea, your right" he said looking down. "I know I am now get to work" I said walking inside.

*9:30 pm*

I was getting ready for the "meeting" that nev and I'm guessing Dallas were planning. I put on the nearest pare of jeans, a white t-shirt, my flannel and converse. I walked out of the bathroom and to me and pony's bedroom. "Pony are you ready yet!" I yelled through the door. "Yes Pepsi, I'm coming" he said. A few moments later he walked out of our bedroom. "Hey Superman have you seen my white converse" he yelled looking around. "Yes pony there in the living room." Darry yelled back. "Thanks!" Pony said walking into the living room and putting his shoes on. I'll never understand why that boy wears white converse instead of black but let him suit himself. "Ok you two I need you both back by 12:30am no later" darry said standing up. "Yes sir" pony said. "Alright have fun boys" darry said walking back to his room. Me and pony walked out the door and over to Steve's house to get him. Darry always told us to walk in groups of 3 or more. We got there and I knocked. Steve pulled me inside leaving pony on the door step. "Jesus steve" I said as he let go of me. "I'm not going" he said with a stern tone. "What? Why?" I asked. "Because it's bullshit I don't believe Dallas for even a second so why should I even try to hear him out?" He asked like I was stupid. "Your going steve. I don't care what you say nev wants you there so your coming" I said. "Uhgggg fine." He said storming off to get his shoes. He put them on and we walked out the door. "Nice to see you Steven" pony said knowing it would make him mad. "Shut it horseman" steve said as we walked. The trip was pretty quiet. When we got to the drive in we snuck under the fence and walked over to our normal sitting spot. It was about 9:55 at this point and everyone was there except nev and dal.


"Cmon dal you'll be fine!" I said handing him his leather jacket. "But they all hate me and I definitely can not fight off 5 angry greasers!" He said pulling his jacket on. "Oh cmon dal, the gang has known you for 5 or more years they can't hate you that much!" I said putting my Jean jacket on. "You'd be surprised" he said as we walked out of the door. We walked and talked when we got there we slid under the fence and saw the rest of the gang. Dal leaned against the fence and lit a cigarette I did the same. "Hey since when did you smoke?" Dal said looking at me. "Umm since I was like 10 or 11. I just don't do it around the gang, because darry tried to keep me from becoming pony but who cares" I said with a shrug. "Alright let's go" I said walking of. Dal stayed against the fence though. I rolled my eyes at him and walked over to the gang still smoking. "Hey guys" I said. They all looked at me like I was crazy. "Nevvy are you...smoking?" Pony asked. "Shit, um yea just don't tell Darry alright?" I said. "Not the first thing I'm not telling him" pony said with an eye roll. "Same goes for you little boy" I said looking at him and then over at Johnny. "Ok moving on, what did you call us here for?" Soda asked. "Well if dal would stop being a CHICKEN and get over here I could tell you" I said loud enough for him to here me and I motioned him over, he sighed and walked over. "Hey I'm not a chicken for not wanting to be killed." He said as he got over here. "Don't worry dal the only one of us that might kill you is mr. car man over here" soda said looking at Steve. So after that dal explained how he had been drugged that night and how he remembered nothing. "So I gave him two weeks to regain my trust" I said finishing the story. Everyone nodded and said "welcome back to the gang" and stuff like that except steve. He just scoffed. "What's up with you Stevie?" I asked looking at him. "Oh no nothing. Just your kinda stupid neveah" he said. "What!?" I asked with confusion and anger present in my voice "well it's obvious that he's lying I mean come on"he said in a voice I did not like. "Hey you don't get to talk about my relationship mr I haven't dated anyone in like 4 months!" I yelled. "Wait 4? Didn't you break up with Evie like a year ago?" Asked dally. "Yes he did just don't ask" I said looking over at soda. "All I'm saying is your too trusting and maybe you shouldn't trust a no good hoodlum who one has been in jail too many times to count and 2 is the reason those cuts are on your arm!" He yelled. I stood there in shock "YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDNT TELL ANYONE" I screamed as I lunged at him. I had him pinned down in seconds. "AND YOUR RIGHT ILL LEARN BETTER THAN TO TRUST HOODS LIKE YOU STEVE" I said as I punched him a couple times. Thank god no one was there we went to the closed side. Eventually after I almost knocked Steve out, my knuckles were bleeding, and I was crying. Dally pulled me off. Well dally, soda, two, and pony. Johnny just kinda sat there. I fell back on the grass my face was bruised and cut from a piece of wood that Steve had used. I scooted back and sat against the fence and put my face in my hands. Steve got up and ran out soda followed after him.


neveah had just beaten the shit outta me so I did the only thing I could. I ran over to the Curtis house and s slammed the door behind me soda ran in after me and said "steve stop what your about to do is the wrong choice". "Is it really? Your kid sister just beat me up!" I whispered the last part. Darry came running out. "It is 11:30 what is the issue!?!" Darry said still half asleep. I looked at soda and without thinking what it could mean for me and neveah I said "neveah and Dallas are dating again!". Darry looked confused "damn it Steve!" Soda yelled.

Don't fall in love with a heartbreaker(Dallas Winston X Neveah Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now