Fuck. It. All

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I finally fell asleep, when I woke up it was around 4am and I wanted a cup of water. I really didn't want to movie that cut on my leg hurt like hell, but I decided to get up. I pulled myself from the bed and stumbled to the door after almost falling. I opened the door as quiet as I could and stepped out, I looked down and saw a figure 'oh god...he really did stay out here all night' I thought. I slowly stepping over him but he grabbed my ankle I slightly squealed and immediately covered my mouth "Dallas! You scared the hell out of me!" I whispered. He let go of my ankle "where ya goin baby?" He asked. "To get water before Darry wakes up at 5" I told him. "Hmmm ok fine but when you get back we're talking" he said. I let out a dramatic sigh, I didn't wanna talk about it 'this is gonna end well' I thought. "Fine" I answered I went to turn around but I heard shuffling I looked down again to see dally army crawling into my room "hey dal...why are you army crawling?" I asked. "My legs are tired" he answered. "Ok..." I answered and ran down the stairs. I got my water and walked back up and into my room. I saw that the light was on in my room so I turned it off. "Ah no turn it back on" dal said. I ignored him and went a laid face down on the bed. He got up and turned on the light, I'm guessing dally saw the cut on my leg because he stormed out of my room. I got up and saw him walking into Darry's room he flipped on the light and looked at me in the eyes "did he do this?!" Dal asked. "N-no" I said trying not to sound like I was lying "uh huh sure" he answered and walked over and punched Darry in the jaw. "Dally!" I yelled. "Ow Dallas what was that for?!" Darry asked sitting up. "You should know" dally answered in that stone cold voice. Darry looked at me "oh her? She started it!" Darry yelled. That's when I was pushed back and the door was shut and locked. 'Alright this is the end their gonna kill each other, I'm gonna be down a brother and a boyfriend' I thought walking out the door to go get soda and phe. I walked in and up to their room, "WAKE UP LOVE BIRDS...IF YOU ARNT ALREADY AWAKE!" I yelled. "Why" soda whined, "because dally and Darry are about to kill each other" I said. They immediately jumped up and ran over to the house with me. We got up stairs "shit they really are gonna kill each other!" Phe yelled. "Yea probably" I said.   turned and looked at me "whoa what happened to you!?" She asked. "Um...me and Darry got into a fight yesterday and it got um physically" I answered. Soda was about to say something when we heard a loud bang inside the door I think we all turned and and looked at the door just in time to see Darry go flying through it.we all took a step back  and dally marched out of the room "ok that's, your on your own Nev!" Soda yelled marching downstairs . "What?! Why?! He's your brother!" I yelled. "He's yours too! Phe will stay with you!" He yelled running outside. I turned and looked a phe "you can go if you want I got this" I said. "Alright" she answered and ran outside. I looked over and Darry had dally pinned against a wall. Dally then kneed him in his....well you know. And Darry fell backwards into the other wall and dally pinned him to it. There was a lot of kicking, punching, and other stuff until eventually dally had Darry pinned to the ground with a piece of broken glass to his throat "DALLY DONT KILL HIM!" I yelled. "Why? He could have killed you...or even worse our kids!" He yelled. Ipthat was it I went over and grabbed his arm "dally stop this is crazy!" I shouted. Out of instinct im guessing he flung be back and I hit my head off the wall causing a picture of me and my mom to fall and break. I looked up at him and saw the almost instant regret flood his face "Neveah I-" he had got up and was gonna say before I sped walked down the stairs and outside he came out after me "Neveah wait up!" He said running up to me "why? Why should I?" I said turning around I was crying by now. "B-because I-I love you" he said. "Do you? Because I thought you did too but maybe I was wrong!" I said. "Doll come on, you know I didn't mean too" he said. "H-how do I know that? How do I know that our kids arnt gonna grow up how Johnny did?" I asked. "W-what do you mean?" He answered. "How do I know that Darry wasn't right? How do I know that your not gonna turn into your dad?!?" I yelled. I immediately regretted it when he started crying, I ran to the lot and sat down on the old car seat. I started hyperventilating and I could feel a panic attack about to happen. I tried to stop it, I tried to do my breathing methods but it didn't work. Before I knew it I was crying uncontrollably and hyperventilating. I felt someone sit next to me I looked over and it was Johnny, he pulled me over and laid my head down on his lap. "Breath nevvy it's ok" he said slowly. My breathing slowed and when it did I realized how cold I was I had ran out in a pair if pj pants and a bra and it sure was cold. I sat of and cuddled into johnnys shoulder "now...you wanna talk about it?" He asked. I sighed "d-Darry and dally were fighting and I tried to get dally to stop because he had a p-piece of glass to his throat but when I did he threw me into a wall. And then I stormed outside and me and dally got into a fight and....and I told him that....I was worried he was gonna turn into his um dad. But I didn't mean it I wasn't thinking right, I'm terrible person!" I yelled. "Hey no no your a good person Nev you said it yourself you didn't mean it, now come on let's go find and talk to dally" Johnny finished grabbing my hand.

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